Anonymous ID: 193341 Feb. 1, 2019, 12:47 p.m. No.4991832   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Richard Branson owns another private island that people don't know about – take a look


Branson initially bought Makepeace in partnership with the former CEO of Virgin Blue (now Virgin Australia) Brett Godfrey, and the airline's maintenance provider, Virgin Tech director Robert Sherrard, Virgin Group says. Branson and Godfrey still own Makepeace, along with Radek Sali, chair and founder of Light Warrior.


Check out Radek Sali.

Sali, a member of the Financial Review Rich List, has formed his own investment firm Light Warrior, to invest his proceeds of about $400 million from the Swisse sale to Hong-Kong based Health and Happiness International (formerly Biostime) in a two-stage buyout.


The deal capped a stunning turnaround for Swisse, which teetered on the edge of collapse only a few years ago before riding the huge demand from Chinese buyers for its vitamins and healthcare products and receiving an offer for the business that was too good to refuse.

He turned around the failing business - by catering to huge demand from Chinese buyers for its vitamins and healthcare products


Healthcare products?