Anonymous ID: a8053e Feb. 1, 2019, 12:10 p.m. No.4991426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1621

>>4987697 (all pb)



The exposure of the lefts enthusiastic embrace of infanticide has got me thinking. A lot of research on a lot of disparate topics and history has occurred on these various boards in the last few years. A lot of facts and memes were generated but I did not think to save them because at the time I could never have imagined what I'm about to propose.


Anon's have brought forward historical proof of the following:

Before, during and after the worldwide colonial period many African slaves were taken by Arab slave traders. Africa, being conveniently close to Europe was obviously the most cost effective place to acquire slaves "at this time".


The Arabs, already established in North Africa were more advanced than the indigenous (black) people of the more southern reaches of the continent, had mercenary tendencies that were easily exploited by those wishing to acquire slaves for their colonies.


Did a symbiotic relationship exist between the cabal "tribes" and the Arabs?

Many or most of these slaves were for export to colonies of many European nations whose banking, financial, mercantile, shipping, and governments were cabal controlled, and that much of the cabal is comprised of members of a certain "tribe". What did the "tribe" promise the Arab's (muslims) in return? The occupation of Europe?


Anon's have presented evidence that most of the slaver's ships were owned by a particular branch of the cabal's "tribes". They have also presented evidence that most of the slave buyers/holders were also of this "tribe" in the United States during this time.


During this colonial period, the Europeans exploiting their colonies inevitably conquered every institution and industry and without doubt took the most desirable native women for themselves. Over the hundreds of years of colonial empires, vast numbers of race mixed children were born, and due to their advantage of birth soon came to be a large component of the colonies. This has created billions of hybridized people worldwide. Superior to their native populations, but inferior to their colonists. Was this an intentional breeding program? We'll return to this later.


After the civil war when slave ownership was no longer permitted the black slaves lost their economic importance to the cabal and the nation. They were now a burden, supercargo to be thrown overboard whenever and however possible.


Many nations during this period saw increasingly radicalized political movements artificially created by the cabal. The union movement, communism, free thinkers, suffrage and much more was caused to churn the body politic to make it malleable and accepting of radical new ideas which seldom were truly for the good of the nation.

Anonymous ID: a8053e Feb. 1, 2019, 12:10 p.m. No.4991429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1621

Early in the 20th century, the plum of the world was the United States. Land, water, timber, minerals, oil, coal, seaports, all waiting to be exploited by the industrial revolution and the baron's of finance and industry. If not originally integrated into the "tribes" of the cabal, they were soon incorporated one way or another.


The efficient exploitation of all of these resources required the United States to be brought thoroughly under the control of the cabal. The keystone of that achievement was the formation of the Federal Reserve which placed the economic destiny of America firmly in the pocketbooks of the banking/industrial/financial cabal.

This has been exhaustively documented by ever increasingly accepted research that is typified by "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" and "The Creature From Jekyll Island" and many subsequent publications and writings.


Now that the cabal had control of America's destiny and the imminent necessity for them to acquire as much of the natural bounty as quickly as it could, the efficient exploitation of those riches was hindered by a shortage of intelligent resourceful manpower. Workers were forced off their farms and subsistence plots by a variety of economic manipulations (boom/bust/recession/depression/market manipulation/railroad manipulation etc) but the labor shortage persisted because it was found that the remaining blacks were substandard workers, and the cabal needed more labor.


During this period of time vast numbers of poor (forcibly) dispossessed Europeans emigrated to the United States as a stop gap to address the labor shortage. These Irish, Italian, Greek, Poles, Swedes, Welsh and many others were a significant improvement over the obstreperous and independent "Sons of Liberty" recruited from the farmsteads of America. They came with their notions of freedom, independence and justice, . something largely unknown to the emigrants.


Now the emancipated slaves and their descendents became more of a problem for the cabal, as they were largely non-productive citizens. "Useless eaters" if you will, who had been bred for generations to have strong bodies and weak minds. A recipe for mischief if ever there was one.


An interesting "solution" was soon crafted and it should come as no surprise where it originated.


Margaret Sanger. "She married young, to the Jewish architect and aspiring artist William Sanger. It was in 1912 in these ghettos that Sanger supposedly encountered Sadie Sachs, a Jewish immigrant who sparked her “awakening” to the necessity of birth control."

Anonymous ID: a8053e Feb. 1, 2019, 12:10 p.m. No.4991430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1621


So, here was a complex mechanism of manipulating the political landscape in order to allow for at least some control of the population of now largely parasitic blacks, though it fell short of the "final solution". Ironic that they now own a holocaust in their own right.


As the industrial revolution fully took hold, the practicality of industrializing the "Bankers Wars" (all wars are bankers wars) became inevitable. Now the cabal could profit from both sides of an industrialized war that would consume vast amounts of natural resources and energy, accelerate progress in science/technology, build tremendous industries and financial empires, all created, controlled and manipulated by the cabal and it's minions.


These monstrous wars also forced young men (and women) into service they would have otherwise avoided. They were brought into a system where uniformity, obedience, and groupthink were demanded as that's what the "patriotism" of the day called for. The ancillary benefit of industrial warfare is that it is frugal of life compared to all previous wars which were largely bloodbath's fought with bayonet and sword.


Ships, tanks, aircraft, guns, bombs, bullets, shells, rockets are all terribly expensive, and could now be consumed in vast quantities for vast profits while minimizing the loss of the workforce needed to produce them. The benefit was actually multiplied when the war was (temporarily) over as these men and women returned to the workforce. They now had patriotic vigor, a uniform view of the future, education and experience unsurpassed by previous generations.


The interwar years were years of unmatched progress in America, unmatched rebuilding among nations visited by war. The cabal cemented its control over the media, entertainment, and education industry during this period, ensuring the cycle of endless war for profit could continue as long as they wanted.


However, a few bumps started to appear in their race for worldwide domination. The flywheel of progress caused by hot and cold wars alike spun on with some disturbing developments. Nuclear weapons, missiles, electronics, chemistry, genetics, all sorts of things that threatened to spiral out of control if left unchecked.


These were developments capable of causing vast damage to the "holdings" of the tippy top one percent and ruining centuries of acquisition and centralization of the vast wealth of Planet Earth into the hands of a few elites.


Other dangers to their plans and power were also becoming more and more evident, overpopulation coupled with consumerism was certainly profitable for them, but now the useless eaters were consuming resources better left for the elites themselves.

Anonymous ID: a8053e Feb. 1, 2019, 12:11 p.m. No.4991432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1621

What would a world wide elite with hundreds of trillions of reserves, almost all of the natural resources, industry, technology, laboratories, media, entertainment, academia and finance have to do to stop the drain and consolidate their "winnings"?


The biggest thorn in their sides have been the democracy's of the developed world, particularly the United States. Taking what we now know, we can see things like the civil rights movement and racial division were tools to try to start a race war, white against black. This would have been a dream solution for the cabal, and they spared no effort trying to make it happen. It would have eliminated the blacks almost entirely and killed off the patriotic warriors among the whites. This would have set the stage for what was to happen next, replacing the white population of America.


Despite generations of machinations by the cabal, white America obstinately resisted temptation to wipe out the blacks. Worse, in the second half of the twentieth century many American's were waking up to the fact that, as Kennedy so famously said:


"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations."


It is a must read. The largest red pill ever delivered.


The hand writing was on the wall for the cabal. White America had to go. I don't need to belabor the assaults on men, then white men, then dead white men, and now white women. It's been going on for generations. Once sufficiently weakened by law, education, political correctness, affirmative action, "diversity", white guilt, white privilege, accusations of racism/sexism/homophobia/xenophobia it was time to move on to the next phase, replacement of the white people of Europe and America.


It's been rather easy for the demographic destruction of America because of America's Laissez-faire attitude toward our guest workers from the south, mostly European/Mexican hybrids. While Americans were distracted by their comfortable lives, they were quietly being intentionally replaced with ever more illegal immigrants. So much so, that the last election was probably determined by them. The alien invaders of the America's and Europe are vastly more tractable and malleable than the white natives. They will be the perfect "worker bees" when the elites kill them down to manageable numbers and sit back with all the wealth, industry, government, technology, medicine, science, education, and labor in their control. Forever.