Should be up to Justice Roberts to figure out if R-Bag is alive.
Same guy who's in charge of the FISA court abuse.
Comp'd faggot.
Should be up to Justice Roberts to figure out if R-Bag is alive.
Same guy who's in charge of the FISA court abuse.
Comp'd faggot.
I suppose the next Q post will tell Anons to read CNN and FoxNews articles. So much winning.
Wow! Is Q suggesting the USA has fighter jets??!!! So much awesome!
Dave was right that the best PF has a balance of music and vocals, with less of Roger's terrible "singing." Roger was the 3rd best singer in PF.
Marine Bob doesnt seem to believe that arrests require actual evidence of crimes. Trump's DOJ is a failure.
Yowsa Yowsa Yowsa!!!
He's gotta go.
Trump's former campaign manager is in jail for the past 7-8 months because he made a phone call.
I quit watching the NFL 4 years ago because of obvious playoff game fixing. The SB was a satanic spectacle then, I havent watched since and dont miss it, after being a fan since the 60's.
It's sad to see the working class spend all their money, time and energy on this meaningless nonsense. Grown men acting like 8th graders every weekend for months.