trips confirm
>Any MemeFags want to have a go with this?
Memfag here. Not sure what you're looking for.
>Just did the BIG to RBG.
I don't know what the BIG to RBG means.
Do you want memes of RBG dead, nearly dead, almost dead, cyborg RBG, etc.? We have a ton of those and got tired of posting them but if you want them reposted we can do that.
If there's an artwork task you are suggesting, we don't understand the suggestion.
Web search
indicates it might be DEA.
Database Edit Requests | Page 9 | ADS-B Exchange Community
ADFDA1 hunter2021, Nov 11 … as interesting and the owner changed to SILVER CREEK AVIATION SERVICES/DEA as this is a shell company for DEA and the aircraft is used …
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Recent Content by hunter2021 | ADS-B Exchange Community
they have the registration of this code Military? observed Grenada and Barbados ADFDA1 Post by: hunter2021 , Nov 11, 2018 in forum: Database edit requests and issues Post
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