Step back and review. Get your balance.
This board is enormously powerful. As such, forces good and bad will be vying for control of this resource.
Does it make sense that Q, et. al would simply sit back idly while the black hats attack (covertly) relentlessly?
Remember when the top 10 bad actor showed up. Q gave us a straight (not encrypted or hashed) IP address within seconds. Indicating the good guys are entrenched on this board. They have a fortified position here. They are not just passing through. It is an asset for them and it would be protected as such.
We are not immune to mental and emotional manipulation here because the bad guys hone their attacks in response to where we as a group "move." Take off into the wind. When the wind moves, move the direction of take-off.
This would mandate that Q does not simply appear in here at random times. How many times have timestamps been referred to? Times of appearance are calculated and have meaning. It is not willy nilly. We can't just shine the Bat-signal on the Gotham City clouds and Q dutifully appears. Appearances here are dictated by the overall plan, not by us. At least not primarily.
"We are taking action behind the scenes. CNN was set up. STUPID." Are people monitoring for indictments against CNN personnel? Do we know the names to look for? Are we checking regularly.
It's an emotional roller coaster being in here. That is the nature of war. It gets ugly sometimes, even when it's not unfolding on a traditional battlefield. We will have times of personal darkness, despair, loss of faith. We are human. But the enemy being so much bigger than us requires the plan to defeat that enemy to be so much bigger than us as well.
We will have mini-crises on a personal level. It's going to happen here and there. Some express it; others don't, but all who are committed will go through it. You feel your way into a crisis and you think your way out. It's the only way to stay afloat and stay on course.