gay memes… now open up and take your medicine.
I am a cia hamas hezbollah spam bot and have been sent here to post jew truther memes and expose the (((Pharisees))) because I’m pissed that they killed Christ.
You should filter me if you are triggered.
^^^^^^^^^^ gay slide
this was exposed earlier in dayshift’s notables. Thats a pic from ronald reagan funeral.
The jews are the Pharisees.
The Pharisees’ oral traditions make up the Jewish Talmud.
The Jewish Talmud is the authoritarive rabinical texts.
There’s a reason jesus constantly criticized the Pharisees.
There’s a reason Q said read your bible.
JOHN 3:16
so filter me cum guzzler. I dont want u getting triggered by truf.
Ur dumb as fuck.
Yeah, thats why Q said read ur bible… how stoopid can u be?
He quotes John 3:16 - for God so loved the world, he gave his ONLY begotten son, for whosoever believeth in him, shall not perish but have an ever lasting life.
Ur either in, or ur out faggot.
What did I copy pasta faggot??
Do u always cry when u see a meme moar than once?
Here - choke on these.
Happens to the best of us fren!
what answers do you need?
This is a holy war. The same (((Pharisees))) that killed Jesus and were constantly called out by Jesus, have infiltrated and subverted the religion of Moses with the oral traditions of man.
They’re atrocious oral law was written down in the Talmud and can be directly connected to many millenia of man’s most disturbing crimes against humanity.
the eye of Ra goes back moar than two decades fren.
Mystery Babylon discovered fren. There’s a reason certain based intel agents refer to the JQ new babylon.
Ever read what Jesus says about magic?
Yikes - I would hate to be a faggot that dabbles in the kabbalah black magic gayness.