Anonymous ID: 7612bf Feb. 1, 2019, 5:51 p.m. No.4995409   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Repost…Timing is everything.


Tl;Dr- Dems are going to burn.


The Democrat Party will implode & crumble by the end of the 2020 election


The curtain that has been hiding the true agenda of the Democrat Party is being slowly revealed this year & i think we will see even more of the truth of their globalist goal come to light the closer we get to the 2020 election.


It is almost like the demise of the Democrat Party is being CHOREOGRAPHED.


So far, the American People have seen the Dems show that they are for the following ideas & policies:


>Open Borders-

They Refuse to secure our border from illegals, drugs, sex trafficking, & crime bc they have chosen illegals over their own citizens

>Heath Insurance-

They want to get rid of private insurance & insurance through your employer through “Medicaid for all” which will give the government COMPLETE CONTROL over all your healthcare decisions (VA failures sound familiar) which will completely bankrupt our in debt country.

>Moar Taxes-

They want to tax “Millionaires & Billionaires” 70-90% MOAR. They don’t care that this group is already paying most of the taxes our country takes & they don’t care that taxing these people will cause them to close their businesses, fire Americans, increase unemployment which will result in a Recession or Depression.

>No to the American Dream-

They don’t believe that anyone should actually live the American Dream (WORK HARD & become successful & rich). Ex: how they treat Trump & have gone after Schultz because they achieved the American Dream & how dare they have more than $10 million (even though they are ok with their own success & millions).


They don’t believe that a viable fetus (@5-9months gestation) deserves life or has any rights if the mother has a mental break down & impulsively decides she doesn’t want her baby. Instead of making adoption a mandatory option…they want to KILL (crush skull, pull apart, inject with heart stopping meds) the baby even as the baby is being born.


Dems even have shown they believe that the “mother” has a right (along with her doctor) to kill the baby even after it is born, out of the mother’s body, & breathing on its own (infanticide).

>Hypocrisy on Antisemitism-

they have shown they are completely ok with promoting hate against Israel (Omar & other Muslims elected in Congress now)…even though many in Congress have duel citizenship with Israel. (Let a conservative day anything close to what Omar has said…(even if we believe it is true we would be hung).


Dems support censorship & hate against all Trump supporters & conservatives (even other Dems who don’t tow the line of their thinking).


They HATE white people (especially PATRIOTIC CONSERVATIVE MEN WHO WILL FIGHT FOR THEIR FREEDOMS) but yet still embrace all the top white Dems who are openly racist (HRC- bring them to heal; they all look same; my hero was Grand dragon of KKK, PP which was established to thin the population of the black Americans)

[How did VA governor’s photo of him in black face with someone in KKK garb just NOW get released? How did that not get exposed during 2018 election?]

>Sex abuse-

The “Me too” movement started bc of Democrats sexually abusing women & only exposed bc HRC didn’t become POTUS. Our Congress has been using OUR TAX $ to pay off sexual assault victims from our own Government.

>Child Sex Trafficking-

Dems don’t care that Trump has taken down more child sex traffickers than any POTUS before him & has helped expose how rampant this sick & evil industry has become in our country.


Dems have shown Americans that they are ok with HRC & Obama colluding with foreign countries, especially Russia, but will do their best to falsely accuse an America citizen of collusion & will illegally wire tap, spy & make up lies about their political Presidential candidate opposition….even when they become POTUS.


These are just some truths being revealed about the Democrat Party & MUCH MOAR will be exposed as we get closer to 2020.


It has to be this way to slowly expose the evil of the Democrat Party to their own constituents….to wake up those deep in slumber.


Now, think logically, how do you think the Democrat debates are going to go? Will they be exposing even moar on each other so they can be the winner to challenge Trump?


Imagine the debates between POTUS & the Democrat candidate

How much ammunition does Trump have to take down his Dem opponent….the whole Dem Party?


Timing is everything.