Q directly states that their funds are beginning to dry up.
Planned Parenthood takes government money to perform abortions. It then sells the tissues to research companies on a black market of unlisted funds.
Expanding the abortion timelines and justifications allows them to, at least in theory, perform more abortions or otherwise claim to do so to the government (… It wouldn't be surprising to find out that the abortion statistics are inflated or somehow duplicated across clinics). This could also allow them to target tissues that companies are willing to pay far more for, because they are more rare. Since late term abortions are more rare, the tissue from them would understandably be of much higher research value.
Now… Couple this to human trafficking. Under normal circumstances, you would use contraceptives on your sex slaves, but abortions are actually a "great" way of turning out greater revenue from your stock. If you need more money, however, allowing (forcing) those pregnancies to mature to a later term and then touring these women to states with relaxed abortion standards becomes a more lucrative option than simply aborting locally.
Granted, I have little evidence of this aside from my own ability to tap into this twisted logic. So it is mostly speculation - but we know that planned parenthood sells fetal tissue and that they perform bargain abortions for government guaranteed rates. They will abort a pebble from a rock if the government will pay them more than it costs.