Anonymous ID: 2545e1 Feb. 1, 2019, 10:13 p.m. No.4998375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8378 >>8397 >>8425 >>8459 >>8902 >>8958 >>9090

Yellow Vest protests Week XII: Tensions escalate but so does MSM coverage



After a rubber bullet destroyed the eye of protester Jean-Marc Michaud last week, French Yellow Vests decided that the theme of this week's protests will focus on those who have died or been injured in the protests so far (11 dead, 1900 protesters and 1200 police offiers injured; see NYT).


This week, the MSM seems to be giving somewhat more coverage to the YV movement, probably because they see (a) it's not going away and (b) escalating tensions on both sides seem to be leading toward some kind of ultimate confrontation.


But will we see any boots-on-the-ground coverage by the MSM this week? Or just the RT/Ruptly feeds?


Top stories this week

[1] "French police can use rubber bullets against protesters, court rules" CAPPED

France's top court for administrative justice has refused to ban police from using the hand-held launchers which fire golf-ball size rubber projectiles. They have been blamed for serious injuries among demonstrators….


[2] "Use of Force in France’s ‘Yellow Vest’ Protests Fuels Anger" CAPPED

Officers carrying rubber ball launchers during a demonstration in Paris this month. Anger at officers’ use of force has helped fuel the nationwide “Yellow Vest” movement…..


[3] "France bans wearing masks in public while protesting"

Anon: "Getting desperate"

>>4991663 pb


[4] "Unconfirmed: French police discussing killing yellow vest protesters?"

dramatic video but little sauce ("Can any anon add English subtitles?" NO RESPONSE SO FAR–Any translators out there???))

>>4992009 pb (notable)


[5] "That’s rich! Millionaire Macron says he’d be a Yellow Vest for a higher salary"

>>4989170 pb (notable)


And a postscript:

Anons: NEVER FORGET, n'oublie jamais

great pics; reposted the one with "Q" on yellow vests (CAPPED)


Anonymous ID: 2545e1 Feb. 1, 2019, 10:27 p.m. No.4998455   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I've already been interested in ed because even when i was in school–ahem, a LONG time ago–I thought it sucked. They weren't teaching sex ed but they did teach Freudian defenses mechanisms in Health class. And I'm about 90% sure the guy was a perv. (I didn't even know what a perv was then, he just gave me the creeps. Always had kids around him after school.)

Also, they didn't teach geography even then–already "social studies," a non-field. Just a bunch of bs.

I'm the one who mentioned "The Leipzig Connection" lb, the book I use for redpilling because it's so short and sweet. Speaks of the Prussian influence since the 1800s; but you probably already know this book.

Reagan apparently promised to abolish the Dept of Ed; have you read Iserbyt on her experiences working in that Dept? How she wrote Reagan a letter and never got a reply? I suspect someone got to him, because taking over ed has always been a critical part of their plan.

Wish something could happen immediately about the sorry state of ed now, but suspect it will take some time to undo all the damage. Big mess, much legislation. But finally abolishing the Dept of Ed would be a dream come true.

Anonymous ID: 2545e1 Feb. 1, 2019, 10:38 p.m. No.4998513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8590 >>8683


Knowing is HELL but the worse Hell comes at the beginning because it's like a move from 100% not knowing to 100% knowing. A person is completely disillusioned. Very desolate.


But it does not have to stay that way. This is important to realize. I had a friend who struggled with this, because although she "saw" the bad stuff that was happening, she could quite accept it ("I just can't believe that…."). So she keep re-experiencing the disillusionment over and over. That kept her in Hell. I don't know if she ever got out (I moved).


Try to hang in there, anon. DO accept that the bad stuff is happening. But please realize–if only in your mind initially–that nothing is "100%". If you open to the possibility (and even ask via prayer or just maintaining an openness to truth), you will find your way out of hell. Because experiences will come to you that will show you something beyond the EITHER/OR way of looking at life. There is a way to reconcile and integrate both experiences, if you will seek it out.


I hope this doesn't sound too sanctimonious; it's based on my own journey. In the end, we are all just fellow travelers having experiences from which to learn. I learned to love.

Anonymous ID: 2545e1 Feb. 1, 2019, 10:52 p.m. No.4998634   🗄️.is 🔗kun






Best friend is head of special ed at local high school. She does extremely good things there–with cooperation of others, including the principal–but even she is ready to go. Near retirement age, but that's not the only reason.


Many of her students also go to general ed classes. But because of CC, these classes are getting impossible for special ed students (they're bad enough for general ed students, but for special ed students–it's just one step too far). She still manages to make changes; e.g., one teacher agreed to provide supplemental material to make convoluted concepts clearer.


But this school is unusual. The "downtown" elites tried to fire the principal and parents wouldn't let them. They were forced to reinstate him. Despite everything, strong parent groups can still make a difference. But we really need a change in policy so people like my friend don't have to do everything using "guerrilla warfare."

Anonymous ID: 2545e1 Feb. 1, 2019, 10:58 p.m. No.4998686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8700



I go with both




The idea that we have to choose between freedom or happiness reflects a dualistic view. Of course, it's the view we were all taught–pretty basic in Western culture. IMO, next step in cultural evolution: to reconcile all the dualisms, which results in integration.


Not just a mental concept; a living reality. Brings contentment, even in the face of difficulties.

Anonymous ID: 2545e1 Feb. 1, 2019, 11:19 p.m. No.4998862   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I sincerely hope the stage is set for PP to be defunded. Everything is coming out on the table. Will make it hard even for corrupt politicians (who take $ from PP) to defend it.

Saw Gosnell when it came out and realized there were probably things going on all over the country that have been hidden until now–and that would probably begin to come out very soon.

These horrible new abortion laws may turn out to be the very events that trigger a revolution in the way people think not only about abortion but about the ideas that underlie it.

Anonymous ID: 2545e1 Feb. 1, 2019, 11:37 p.m. No.4998973   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is such an awful but potentially true idea, anon. The only reason I hesitate to nominate for notable is that it is SO controversial (and alas unsauced) as far as the actual theory goes, that it is pretty "out there." (Even if true). I'm guessing that you will not be able to find anyone else proposing this idea just yet, however. But it may happen in the coming days, because so much is coming out. I do appreciate the thoughtfulness of this post and the sauce on Latino blood types.

Anonymous ID: 2545e1 Feb. 1, 2019, 11:44 p.m. No.4999025   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hey, fella, didn't you read the stuff at the top of the page?


We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.