Anonymous ID: d07451 Feb. 1, 2019, 10:38 p.m. No.4998509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8521 >>8589 >>8681 >>8746

>>4989971 PB When We killed stage IV bone cancer in mom, accidently ten years ago. Part 1

She was terminal, we were only trying to kill the pain; This is what we did.

Get the book ALive and well, because we used the protocol, and it worked, accidently.


Four parts:


2)vitamins and minerals,

3) Pancreatic Enzymes

4)nitrilosides - optional (get doc help for part 3 or use small amounts after reading) (GO SLOW, made with nuts, has cyanide component, one month diet prep first)

We added:

Green tea



Use the protocol and the updates I am sharing. Biofag with mom who refused chemo. Worked with my mom, stage four bone cancer 10 years ago. Have updated info since. Works slowly without making you sick or destroying your immune system. Will take cancer pain away in two weeks, bone cancer takes 3 weeks cuz..low blood supply in bones. No narcotics were ever necessary for her. Had 6 weeks to three months to live. A year later all broken bones were healed, a little over half the cancer in her bones was gone. Docs scratching heads along with the rest of us. We were only trying to kill the pain, not the cancer.


GO SLOW… check small amounts for allergies, reactions with any new anything. Take notes on this post for the changes from the book protocol, in case you lose post. DRINK LOTS WATER to stop risk of cachexia (liver death from dead cancer cell toxicity, dehydration etc). Don't think you won't be killing cancer. This is what we thought. Don't get depressed. FIGHT. It can be done. Get a good doctor to work with you on this.

Bit on the protocol in the book to get started, and update bits from my 15 year dig on cancer.


The book diet in a nutshell:

A. If it moves (animal) you can not eat it.

B If it does not move (plant) you can eat it but can not cook it. 160 degrees kill the enzymes you need to kill cancer in the foods.

Mom did one green/fruit smoothie for breakfast, salad with nuts mushrooms, fruit, cancer killing oils, red wine vinegar for lunch.

You can eat hot veggies, a bit for dinner, to keep from going nuts, they don't hurt, they don't help much. The diet was strict for four months, then if patients were doing better, they could add fish, later chicken, long as they were progressing.


The Vitamins in the book protocol with some updates

1) Liquid vitamins, -absorb faster better. Double up. If one pill, then x2 daily. If one cap, then x2 daily. Don't go cheap.

2) Separate bottle of liquid plant based major minerals, and double the suggested daily. Can use mineral pill too, but double the lable recommended. Your building for a fight. Your body needs everything.

3) A dropper bottle of trace minerals called Concentrace. Take as instructed. (Get rid of any and all deficiencies you have even trace minerals)

4) Subtract vitamin C from the protocol, and just use the amount in the normal amount in the liquid vitamins, too much vitamin C shuts down cyanide detox)

5) Keep vitamin A at 25000 IU a day (The large amounts in the book have to be made by a special lab high quality to be safe)

6) Pangamic Acid (Vitamin B15) 100mg dose, x3 daily. (google it)

7) When you get vitamin E, look for the one with all four molecular types, not just tocopherol. You need tocotrienols too


The above in the book protocol builds up what you need for your immune system to work properly. Everybody gets 11-200 cancer cells a day that immune system kills. Your immune system failed and the cancer got away and established a blood supply. You need your immune system back. It takes about a month to get rid of 80% of a deficiency, two months to finish to 100% topped off for the fight.


More of the protocol in the book The cancer killing enzymes:

8) Megazyme Forte Pancreatic Enzymes, 2 pills three times daily on an empty stomach so they pass through to the blood. The have no meat to digest so have ability to digest the cancer surface. (If you eat meat and don't follow the diet in the book, the enzymes will be digesting your steak instead of the cancer-protein coat that allows the cancer to hide from your immune system. You will use the enzymes to strip the cancer out of hiding. (The book explains, and science has verified) Taking on empty stomach sends them to blood stream with nothing better to do than hunt cancer protein.


"Proteolytic enzyme therapy in evidence-based complementary oncology: fact or fiction?"

Anonymous ID: d07451 Feb. 1, 2019, 10:39 p.m. No.4998521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8589


In addition to the book protocol, and update on vitamins etc


When I used this with my mom, we added green tea and mushrooms, so here is how we did that:


9) Green Tea to muck up the cancer metabolism: She had four cups green tea a day. Today I would use 2 cups of MATCHA Green tea daily, because it has 200-500 times the EGCG in it than any other green tea. You are actually eating ground leaves. The EGCG from the green tea stops cancer from using one of it's 2 food sources. Cancer fuels itself on glucose sugar and glutamine. The high intake of EGCG blocks the glutamine use in the cancer cell. (See diagram of the cell that I sent up with this post. It is a diagram of what cancer eats and how it uses the foods - glucose and glutamine). Look for the EGCG to see what part of the glutamine chemistry pathway it is blocking. Only glucose and glutamine feed cancer for the most part. Glutamine is a protein. This diet is vegetarian so it's protein and sugar free to starve the cancer)


The Tropoblast Theory of Cancer and the Pancreatic Enzymes


Enzymes, trophoblasts, and cancer: the afterlife of an idea


10) Look up how to remove glutamate or MSG from your food. No autolyzed anything, hydrolyzed anything, texturized anything, yeast extract, or broth, including bullion.


Your body will change glutamate to glutamine to feed the cancer (see the top of the pic again. You want to starve the cancer of glutamine). Get glutamate (a flavor enhancer in too many foods) out of your diet (which will happen anyway if you follow the doctors instructions in the book for the most part. What glutamine you have will be rendered unusable by the cancer using the green tea EGCG) I believe is a good site. Use the left column in the charts for "things that always contain glutamate"


One Sauce: Targeting Glutamine Induces Apoptosis: A Cancer Therapy Approach


11) Put your bones that create your cancer killing white cells in immune system hyperdrive:

We used REISHI, SHITAKE, and MAITAKE mushrooms, 2 caps a day, boiled in water ten minutes. Caps thrown into daily smoothie or on daily salad. Boiled mushroom water used to make the green tea. Buy them dried on line if you can not find them. There is also a good mushroom product for immune stimulation by Paul Stemets or Stemetz where all of the cancer fighting mushrooms come in pill form now. She only had three mushroom tops a day. They boosted mom's production of white cells by three times normal.

Moms normal starting white count: 11. Post radiation count: 2. Next two week visit after mushrooms count:11 Six week count: 32 (pre second hip radiation) Post hip radiation count: 22. The mushrooms protect and build your cancer killing white cells… and it works massively. They keep your immune system from going down.


What we have learned since is that cancer has beta-glucan protein on it's surface. The mushrooms irritate the white cells, teach them to go after the beta glucans. Teaches them to attack the cancer surface like trained war dogs. The mushrooms also shut down the cancer cells directly by triggering apoptosis. Apoptosis is the process of programmed cell death from genetic command.

The anti Cancer mushrooms are really powerful: Here is recent science reviews:


Antitumor polysaccharides from mushrooms: a review on the structural characteristics, antitumor mechanisms and immunomodulating activities"


Mushroom Polysaccharides: Chemistry and Antiobesity, Antidiabetes, Anticancer, and Antibiotic Properties in Cells, Rodents, and Humans 2016

Anonymous ID: d07451 Feb. 1, 2019, 10:41 p.m. No.4998536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8537 >>8589 >>8713

part 3 of 4


The things I would add from my 9 years of research since this surprise cancer killing with food… "episode" we witnessed at out home. (Family Doc watched this happen, researching now too)


12) Add vitamin D3, 5000 IU a day. get the drops, they are easy.

13) Add K2 to go with the D3, D3 does not work without it.

14) Take vitamin B12 using a B complex, sublingual drops.You will find these at Walmart in a dropper bottle. These should have all forms of B vitamins.

Add to these drops, a special form of B vitamin sublingual's called Hydroxocobalamin and Methyl-cobalamin. (search on line) You need those two active forms of B12 in addition to the complex. Take them daily for six weeks until liver is topped off, then back down to once or twice a week. Hydroxocobalamin is the new cyanide antidote. Make sure your doctor knows this new information if you decide to use the whole protocol.

Scroll down, see chart on cyanide antidote, look up etc


Killing the Candid that protects Cancer:


Cancer is known to be surrounded with a virulent form of candida fungus now, in 76-97% of tumors. Some docs thinking it might cause cancer like some viruses do


"Candida albicans and cancer: Can this yeast induce cancer development or progression?


There are two enzymes to add now to tear up the candida cell wall…. cellulase and hemicellulose. You can get them here.

Take them with the Megazyme Forte pancreatic enzymes from the book. The Megazyme Forte has the zinc and is made for this protocol. Amygdalin does not work without zinc. The Assist enzyme complex has the cellulase and hemicellulose to kill candida. As we get older we don't make the enzymes we use to. The enzymes help in a lot of ways, even arthritis , inflammation etc.


Oils are critical. Get rid of everything except

Olive Oil, Apricot oil, kills cancer, use to make salad dressings


Real Butter butyric acid kills cancer, look it up. Had the site, computer crashed, Its out there. Have to look up again.


Coconut oil (massively important): Made of capric, caprylic, laudic acids same as mothers breast milk. Capric, caprylic acids run infant and human brains instead of sugar. Our brains work great on it from birth. Cancer can not use it.

Look up "Bullet Proof Coffee" and XCT oil. Use thisand regular coconut oil for energy so you don't feel bad about missing sugar or go hypoglycemic. Clean burning fats, to precious for liver to put in fat cells.


Lauric acid in coconut oil kills cancer. All three are anticeptic and help a new born baby as a substitute immune system that first two weeks of life when the baby has no immune system yet.

Citation also lost in computer crash, so look up.

Avacado Oil. 500 degree high heat without breaking down, and tons of antioxidants. Also found one reference to cancer kill, and lost it. Can you tell I was researching cancer killing oils during the crash?


Safe sugar substitutes


Raw honey but keep it low. Manuka honey is expensive registered as antibiotic at #15 and higher standardization, so no more than a teaspoon a day of that. Both raw and Manuka kill cancer. Recommend coconut oil and manuka build up before hospital visits to keep the nasties away.

New natural sugar made from chicory and orange peels called "Just Like Sugar" is looking good, and people say it tastes like sugar, measures like sugar, but has no glucose or calories to burn. Just started researching it, but it's looking good.



When you are on this diet, pick the foods that will choke the cancer's ability to create a new blood supply. The process of making a new blood supply is called angiogenesis.

Watch this youtube on antiangiogenic foods and what they do to cancer… unreal. Will embed in next link


So, you are bringing up your immune system, gumming up the cancer metabolism with green tea, starving the cancer of glutamine and sugar (which it needs) and sending enzymes out to chew up the protein sugar coat it uses to hide from your immune system. You are killing it's best friend Candida, and choking it off at it's blood supply. Chin up. It's war. You can win if you know what to eat, and what to avoid. Get the book :) See next link for updates on nitrilosides and cancer.

Anonymous ID: d07451 Feb. 1, 2019, 10:41 p.m. No.4998537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8589


More important updates from pubmed etc on cancer


BIG REVIEW ON NATURAL MEDS AND CANCER – 180 Doctors International Author it.

"A Broad-Spectrum Integrative Design for Cancer Prevention and Therapy"


Here are the substantial Revews on Amygdalin (note that Amygdalin cyanide poisoning comes from high vitamin C intake, and happens in the few people who have a high count of a gut bacteria called bacteriodates.) Bacteriodates lives on high meat protein diets, so, sugar free veggie diet for a month before you think about starting any of this natural chemo. Read. Learn. Get doctor help. I kept moms C low, and she had no bacteriodates. She kept to the diet really well. All of this can be done on your own except for the amygdalin if you get past a gram a day (2, X 500 mg per day)

Its made of nuts, go slow, check for allergies, get a docs help. Some docs will help you do the IV version which acts faster and is safer.


"Effects of the Gut microbiota on Amygdalin and its use as an anti-cancer therapy: Substantial review on the key components involved in altering dose efficacy and toxicity"

See also same on different URL and has been webpage copied

Abstract is at


See also and share with doc:


"Advanced research on anti-tumor effects of amygdalin" (Includes lethal dose info)

Song Z, Xu X. Advanced research on anti-tumor effects of amygdalin. J Can Res Ther 2014;10:3-7;year=2014;volume=10;issue=5;spage=3;epage=7;aulast=Song#ref32

How to cite this URL:

Song Z, Xu X. Advanced research on anti-tumor effects of amygdalin. J Can Res Ther [serial online] 2014 [cited 2019 Jan 3];10:3-7. Available from:


See also:

Amygdalin, from Apricot Kernels, Induces Apoptosis and Causes Cell Cycle Arrest in Cancer Cells: An Updated Review.

Anonymous ID: d07451 Feb. 1, 2019, 11:02 p.m. No.4998713   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4998536 Here is the link on the new research on cancer killing antiangiogenic foods. Pretty wild new research. I'll get this embedded and hook it up with the other 4 parts of this cancer killing post 15 year dig summary. I have all the research. Putting it together, but thought I would start throwing the basics out there in case some anons need to get started killing cancer.


Anonymous ID: d07451 Feb. 1, 2019, 11:05 p.m. No.4998746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8763 >>8843


Embedding the latest cancer research on anti-angiogenic foods. These are foods that are stopping cancer from building a blood supply so it can spread. Very interesting but new.

Anonymous ID: d07451 Feb. 1, 2019, 11:13 p.m. No.4998811   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Your welcome. I'll be posting more, but thought I would throw this out there for now. People need to know there is a lot we can do at home to kill cancer, even if just to help a doctor. This diet is a really great start. Food is really getting big in the research.

Anonymous ID: d07451 Feb. 1, 2019, 11:16 p.m. No.4998843   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Also, angiogenesis is just one of the many food and suppliment weapons we have now, as you can see from my original post. When you combine the different food types and supplements, they work at the cancer from many directions at once.