Anonymous ID: 4798cd Feb. 2, 2019, 12:43 a.m. No.4999435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9456


portion of one review, kek!


In Killing the Messenger Brock describes how conservatives have systematically set out on a mission of character assassination to bring Hillary Clinton to her knees, making sure she never sets foot in the White House again. Using Fox News, The Drudge Report, Breitbart, The Heritage Center, 8 super PACs, the Rupert Murdoch empire, and sometimes even the New York Times, they have used lies, innuendo and fake "scandals" for over 25 years to bring the Clintons down. Even more chilling is the $900M that will be spent by the Koch brothers in 2016 to defeat Hillary in November, and their attempt at taking over the Republican Party and the US Government, all to fatten their bottom line, according to Brock.


The author goes into great detail to debunk myths and lies about Benghazi, the emails, Hillary's career at the Department of State, Travelgate, Hillary Care, Whitewater, and the Clinton Foundation. Each event was thought to be the perfect scandal to bring the Clintons down once and for all, but they survived every attack. Brock paints a picture of Hillary as the most qualified, talented and committed politician that has ever run for the US Presidency, and he says she scares the bejeebers out of the Republicans. He describes the conservatives as obsessed with bringing her down. "They are motivated not by what they want, but by who they hate." He claims that the politics of personal destruction is not just a tactic that conservatives use, it has become the conservative movement. He describes the conservative three-pronged strategy of 1. Red Meat for the base, 2.Discourage the Democrats with continuous assaults on Hillary (they don't have to be true), and 3. Sway the Press.