Anonymous ID: 43f57a Feb. 2, 2019, 5:23 a.m. No.5001072   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4999599 pb

No one here cares who Q is. The fact your head explodes not knowing is sufficient. The purpose is not to elevate individuals… we have enough gods, but to elevate the practice of research and thinking; the very opposite of your agenda.


How can you claim promises have been broken when no promises have been made? Q post riddles to be discerned AFTER THE FACT in order to let us know that things are under control in the midst of the insane asylum activities we are watching.


This is the same pattern of prophetic riddle of the Bible, and why people who take it at face value make the same claim of broken promises.


Your claims demonstrate your laziness and inability to correlate present happenings with past riddles.

Anonymous ID: 43f57a Feb. 2, 2019, 6:28 a.m. No.5001422   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>"In the beginning there was nothing." Everybody accepts this statement,


No we don't. Before the beginning there was only God. <the blank page represents GodWhen he chose to create the universe, he did not create the universe outside of himself since there is no container larger than he.1Ki 8:27


He first thought of creation and opened up a void within him. This is represented by the yod.


He then spoke into the void to create the universe from voids within him. Gen 1:2 <represented by the vav.


It is a Greek myth and cartoon that God change nothing into something then organized it. God is the reality and we are constituted from the voids within him. Ec 6:12 habel, translated vain is 'empty'


We cannot see or hear God because he is like the water to fish and air to birds.


What we think are the tiniest particles of existence are really the holes within God (think mirror).


As an allegory, vibrations within God (his thoughts), cause the stuff of God to pop open voids like discontinuities in a crystal.


Gravity is the ether moving to its lowest energy state and pushing the discontinuities together.


Charge is when a discontinuity puts the ether into tension or compression, and the force of charge is the ether attempting to reach a lower energy state by pushing them together.


Magnetism is similar. a discontinuity that distorts the surrounding ether.


Energy is converted to mass when in a location the waves combine and pop open a discontinuity. And it is converted back when the discontinuity collapses.


A photon is nothing more than a wave which pops open a travelling discontinuity as it moves through the ether.


A quantum leap is when two or more 'ether particles' in a line move together causing the discontinuity to jump without existing between the two locations.


An electron <a discontinuity patternenters a nucleus <a larger discontinuity pattern> combining to make an unstable geometry of voids. As the pattern adjusts, it spits our an electron pattern to regain stability. The electron may be expelled in any direction because it is just a pattern of voids.


Since all the properties belong to the ether, when you work out the math of the geometries which cause the effects, out pops a unified field equation.


There is a ancient riddle which asks why the Bible starts with the second letter of the alphabet rather than the first; the aleph.


The aleph is a silent letter, and in Ge 1:1 it is also invisible. It is formed by a yod-vav-yod. If you pronounce this is would sound something like ee-oo-ee. This is similar to the name God told Moses to call him; yahweh. (I am )


But his name before creation is unpronounceable because the aleph is silent. It is a metaphor for creation by division.


In Gen 1:1 the invisible and silent aleph means that before creation, God spoke into the void and created the heavens and the earth when no one could see or hear him do it.


yod-vav-yod is translated 'Jehovah' in the name Joiada - Jehovah knows. and when it is repalced by an aleph in adah it means 'I know'. ee-oo-ee also means 'I am'. This is his real unpronounceable name because it is hidden in a silent letter before creation.


Israel was called to make the name of God known, yet they have chosen to make it a sin to say his name.