Wake up, Wood Chuck checkers! ITS GROUNDHOG DAAAY!
Looks like an early spring.
Wake up, Wood Chuck checkers! ITS GROUNDHOG DAAAY!
Looks like an early spring.
Shitty fuckin tit pics on a milestone post. Disappointing. Looks like some 17 yr old boy jackin off to a 1984 playboy mag.
Interesting. Marines USMC is trending on top of Twat. “Win your battle today.”
Also, Marines is USMC. The new trade deal is USMCA. Love how POTUS snuck that in there.
I’ve been following this subject for quite a while and I am still curious about “why.” What are they doing with these baby parts & why are they so valuable? I’ve read bits of info here and there about food additives & such, but haven’t found anything solid. Why do they want baby parts so badly? My brain comprehend a reason.
Fuck me, I’m half asleep & mixed “in lieu of” up and switched its meaning. I caught that as soon as I pressed send.
Was just talking to SpouseAnon about “Sum if all fears” Q post and see this. Hive mind, Anon.