Anonymous ID: a4f9ad Feb. 2, 2019, 3:43 a.m. No.5000661   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0713 >>1021 >>1035 >>1040



Look at this planet we live on. Immensely beautiful with it's flora, fauna, geological hills and valleys, vast oceans, sunrises and sunsets. It is so beautiful it brings a silent tear to my eye. Humanity and it's arts, music, cooperation, helping one another, striving for making things better for all is also part of this beauty.


Now what is splintering this view is the tyrants of this planet. The deceivers with their wars, veiling of technology for power and control, their murdering, terrorizing the most innocent entities here. They know who they are, they know that they will not be allowed to incarnate here again with the role they want, that's why they are so astute to lengthen their life span here.


Well, we have much higher numbers than them, the waking up of those who have been deceived is ongoing and escalating quickly. What will happen when we reach critical mass? Well, that's when they will no longer be able to walk down the streets no more, that's when WE THE PEOPLE of this planet will make sure and enforce that THEY DO NOT DESERVE TO LIVE ON THIS BEUTIFUL PLANET. They are the ones not fitting in here, they have no place here, they are the disease of mother Earth that will be cured by the process that is now under way.


To you, deceiver, I say this


Like picking up the trash and just throwing it the fuck out we will eradicate you

Like burning the dirty wound to kill all flesh-eating bacteria we will destroy you

Like burning off the impurities of metals we will burn you off of this place