You have to expose the full extent of evil to wake up the most brainwashed normies.
What's wrong with blackface?
>defamation lawyer L. Lin Wood of Atlanta
Isn't this Kavanaugh's friend from HS? Or am I remembering wrong?
She's the "shock jock" for the far right. Nothing more.
Hint that we are no longer 2 days ahead but 1?
Grew up in NE, have lost my passion for football in the last few years (gee I wonder why), but I will always be 100%
Yep. They want it to hit the courts while they control Roberts and can get a 4-4 tie.
Once POTUS puts another in there, they have no chance.
This made me kek.
OMG James Woods used MY RBG PEPE!
Things were different back then. Seriously.
Which santa?