Anonymous ID: cad8bd Feb. 2, 2019, 8:36 a.m. No.5002312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2328 >>2342 >>2357 >>2437

Can you imagine this world absent of ALL evil?


Some deeply spiritual woman asked me this question (after a LONG “Q” conversation) and it was like a pebble in my shoe for nearly 7 weeks, until I got the answer.


It was “Yes.”


How I arrived there was painful and frustrating, but she was quite pleased (and surprised) by my answer.


If you want to arrive at your OWN answer, STOP READING NOW.



Here was my response to her…


Q promised to “eradicate” evil people from our planet. That word, from the beginning of John M.’s first Q video, stuck in my mind. It was very purposeful. Not "killed", not "imprisoned", but ERADICATED.


Let’s say there’s about a half-million evil fuckers about to meet their makers. Still leaves about 7 billion of us regular folks, right? All of us have various degrees of evil in our hearts and minds, but we would NEVER do anything truly evil.


Here’s where I connected all the dots: I remembered the exact moment when I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior. The energy/electricity that flowed through me was staggering. Lasted more than a week, with God showing me miracle after miracle in my life, relationships, business and finances. I got it!


During that time, there was NOTHING that another person could have said or done to me to shake my belief that God was very, very real. I knew I was saved in every fiber of my being.


When we come out of the other side of The Great Awakening, every single person on this planet will experience a similar energy/connection to God/Source. At that moment, we will all have a very simple choice to make…


"Do I want to live the rest of my life basking in this 'beautiful light/energy' or do I turn my back–literally–on God?"


Those that turn away will not be able to function very long in the New Earth. They will begin disappearing from the new dimension of light and love.


For the rest of us, we will be forever "changed". It would never again occur to anyone to lie, cheat, steal or murder. Our minds and hearts will be "wiped clean".


That was my answer to Kathy.


She smiled and hugged me.


Can't wait to see you on the "other side", World Patriots. I love you one and all!


p.s.: Beer at the parade!

Anonymous ID: cad8bd Feb. 2, 2019, 8:52 a.m. No.5002434   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've been finding it fascinating to see the great lengths Q has gone to insulate POTUS from the Kabuki theatre that's about to play out.


Fekking brilliant!

Anonymous ID: cad8bd Feb. 2, 2019, 9:37 a.m. No.5002862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2892

How I want POTUS to open the SOTU address…


“My fellow Americans… the storm is upon us. Will the Sergeant-at-Arms please escort Madame Pelosi to the vehicle waiting outside? Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to show you her financial records dating back to 1996. The world is about to learn how a crooked politician can amass nearly two hundred million dollars on a salary less than two hundred thousand…”