Sorry about the music.
I was brought here in when I was 12, 11 years ago, I wish I could go through the process to be here legally, believe me. In 11 years I have never had any problems with the law, besides the obvious. There are criminals who are here legally. I don't recieve any government aid. There are people who abuse the system and pop babys like rabbits. I accomodate to the culture and don't try to change tradition (I celebrate 4th of July).
Spain, COnquistadors, El Salvador, 1935-1945, Hitler, President Martinez, allies, SS Gen. commanding ES troop, SS Gen. banks (all good) but then… Neighbor Policy, Roosevelt, Civil War, CIA, Drugs, Jews, Rockefeller, Tricked, Pearl Harbor, USD introduced/Salvadoran colón replaced, Civil War, MS13, payed with USD, recruitment, immigration. Connect the dots.
I still love this country and its people.