Anonymous ID: 40badf Feb. 2, 2019, 12:58 p.m. No.5004863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4981 >>5180 >>5238

Decoding Q: Planned Parenthood is not what it seems. FAKE NEWS controls. Unraveling the PP narrative.


Look closely at the line item titled “Planned Parenthood Initiatives.” You’ll see that the 2017 total amount of assets owned is upwards of $66 million. This closely matches the figure given in Q’s post. The other figure in the print below, $6.2 million, closely matches the figure on’s website.


There are several line of investigations ongoing currently into Planned Parenthood or affiliates of PP. Most of the investigations stem from the same event. In 2015, the Center for Medical Progress obtained recordings of Planned Parenthood employees and representatives arranging and discussing the sale of “fetal issue.” The bottom line is, clips show them admitting that they sometimes changed the abortion procedure in order to obtain a more intact specimen, and some use the illegal partial birth abortion procedure. All of these tactics helped make Planned Parenthood a lot of money.


In 2017, multiple news outlets reported that the Department of Justice had reopened an investigation on Planned Parenthood’s practices relating to their sale of baby body parts. This letter to Chairmain Grassley from a DoJ AAG all but confirms this


The Very Fake News


False Flag

On November 27, 2015, a gunman shot and killed two civilians and a police officer at the Colorado Springs PP clinic. The 57-year-old man surrendered to police. During his arrest, he gave a rambling interview to the media in which, at one point, he said “no more baby parts,” an apparent reference to the CMP videos, echoing language used in the news media about the clinic. Then- U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch called the shooting a “crime against women receiving health care services”.[V


Fusion GPS

The “research firm” that paid for the dossier on President Donald Trump is the same firm hired by Planned Parenthood to create the narrative that the videos exposing the abortion business’s alleged profiteering from the sales of aborted baby parts were “deceptively edited.” The Fusion GPS “report” can be found here.


Media Funding

So if Planned Parenthood really is selling human body parts with taxpayer money, why isn’t the media covering it? Examining the organization’s ties to major media corporations can help explain why mainstream media chooses to “debunk,” ignore, and support abortion.


According to this website, media outlets were so supportive of Planned Parenthood that they were directly listed as donors on the sites of local affiliates. Before PP’s website was “down for maintenance” shortly after the group controversially claimed it was hacked by “extremists,” the local Washington, D.C. affiliate listed Gannett, the owners of USA Today and several other major newspapers, including the Detroit Free Press and the Indianapolis Star, and the Washington Post Co., former owners of the Washington Post for decades until owner Jeff Bezos bought the newspaper in 2013, as financial supporters.


Another supporter of Planned Parenthood is Bloomberg Philanthropies, the charitable arm of Bloomberg News owner, former New York City mayor, and Presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg.


The Ford and Rockefeller Foundations are also donors to PP. The Ford Foundation’s Board of Trustees, current and former, includes Kamala Harris’s sister Maya Harris and Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards. A look at the boards and executive listings of major American media organizations shows Rockefeller Foundation personnel heavily embedded throughout:


Judith Rodin, a president of the foundation, was on the Board of Directors of Comcast, which owns NBC. Monica Lozana was on the Board of Directors at both Disney, which owns ABC, and the Rockefeller Foundation.


Ellen Taus was the Chief Financial Officer and a member of the Board of Directors for Tribune Publishing, which owns the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Baltimore Sun, Orlando Sentinel and Hartford Courant as part of its newspaper holdings. Taus is also the Treasurer and CFO of the Rockefeller Foundation.


Jessica P. Einhorn was on the Board of Directors for Time Warner, which owns CNN. She was also listed in a Bloomberg Business profile as a trustee at the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

Anonymous ID: 40badf Feb. 2, 2019, 1:10 p.m. No.5004981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5180 >>5238




also from


I did a search for Planned Parenthood Initiatives. As it turns out, PP has a lot of initiatives at any one time. However, one in particular stood out to me. PP has an ongoing initiative targeting Democratic candidates and abortion legislature. You can view the article about it here. In part, the article states the following regarding this Initiative:


This week, Planned Parenthood and our allies announced that we’re rolling out expansive reproductive health legislation in more than a dozen states — with many more to come. States across the country, from Alaska to Oklahoma, are moving pro-women policies forward as you read this.

These initiatives include protections for birth control coverage, expanding abortion access, and changes to make sex ed more inclusive. And that’s just the beginning. We’re fighting for our patients — and for everyone whose basic health and rights have come under threat in the past year — in all 50 states.

Anonymous ID: 40badf Feb. 2, 2019, 1:18 p.m. No.5005062   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Have you noticed that there's almost no anon posts in there? news and tweets…..yay.



Fren, I bake. I understand completely. It is really hard to discern sometimes. But I do think this is something that is true. I have noticed for the past few days. I can't bake during the week as my work schedule is too crazy and I rely on the notables to stay caught up. Much love to you (and appreciation).