Lulz Team 6 Spec Warfare And Tactix ID: f6a0e0 Feb. 2, 2019, 12:55 p.m. No.5004825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4901

My wide spacing "5 fren".

>Aus or UK

Ty for the kind advice in the last thread. You guys are good, but not that good. You know what people "allow you" to with persistant accounts and home usage. I assure you, If "someone" does't want one of 5 to know anything, they won't. Not too hard to go grab a shit-top, cash, load it up, go to the middle of no where, run it's game, spray it down, and walk away. And let it have it's fun for a good 8-12 hours


And @EVIDENCE in all caps, "in a way that I can understand". Both Dorsey and Zuker-kike lied to congress 3 times. They've both shadow b& POTUS, admittedly. Both allowed physical threats and calls for doxing and even murder to "children"


via Covington Catholic. Then, b& and suspended users for you got it, telling journofags to "Learn to code". How much more evidence do you need??? You want their source c0de? I'll "gladly" sacrifice my freedom to "set everyone else free" to get it for you, if you liek. You work at the pace of fossilization!!! You need to get rid of those wannabe's with a 4 year degree in criminal justice and hire some hard hitting anons with experience instead. We'll cut the time down drastically.

Lulz Team 6 Spec Warfare And Tactix ID: f6a0e0 Feb. 2, 2019, 1:09 p.m. No.5004970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5103


It would take




Vid Related

to burst "their" bubble. Yes, united we can do much. But unity means nothing without action. /pol/ has been unified for 9 years. /pol/ gets shit done, due to action, not just knowledge. People can know what ever they want. If actions are not taken, it means nothing. And sometimes, a message needs to be sent. It's time for an old idea to be resurrected, the right way, and stronger. An idea based around free speech.


Maybe if they start getting STOMPED again, they will get the point. That, or go broke.

Lulz Team 6 Spec Warfare And Tactix ID: f6a0e0 Feb. 2, 2019, 1:37 p.m. No.5005251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5280


>And we have to use his info and spread the word and break it down into bits for the normal people

And you're going to do that exactly how when everyone posting, is shadow b&, b& and censored? This applies to all socmed and fagtube.

>They are deleting your videos

>They are deleting your pr00fs

>They are banning your posters


>We have to be slow and steady, or we are just going to get burnt at the steak

Your a little late to the game buddy, we already are getting burned at the stake. I have 0 accounts left and 0 dollars for another phone.


Yes, go to Kiketube and go see who is NOW promoted at the top of the list for anything now. Including Q related topics. If censored the message doesn't get out. They know this, and are using it 100% effectively to control others minds. You have to manually search for Q vids now. Real posters, no longer appear for the first 25-50 videos unless you set the search parameters to that day.


Because it's fake. And I have the emails from Wikileaks to prove it. But, like I said, knowledge without action, means nothing.

>This is where the media jointly agreed to subvert the US and President Trump.

Yet, still, NO ACTION TAKEN!



I don't buy that. I speak out VERY LOUDLY and take "complete action" against those who harm children. Am I now a child abuser? A ped0? LMFAO!!! If you ONLY knew the "Action(s)" taken against both sub-groups. I speak out LOUDLY against mass data collection. Am I now the N_A? No. I speak out VERY LOUDLY against the media. Am I now in the media? Lmfao! No. I hate the media. Im just a loud cracker-faggot lol.

>MEDIA = bang bang bang

>Enemy number 1

Agreed. Now, maybe if actions were taken & they started getting STOMPED OUT & digitally dick slapped, they'd learn their role.