Anonymous ID: 601f6d Feb. 3, 2019, 4:18 p.m. No.5019033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9582 >>9838


I am right with you on this line of inquiry tying vaccines and abortion together! A doctor, I think her name is Theresa Deischer, who is an expert on stem cells has said that it is really dangerous to use embryonic cells in research. She has indicated that whenever a new cell line is introduced for vaccine making, that autism cases spike. Injecting vaccines which contain genetic material from other people can cause mutations in the recipients stem cells leading to cancer. Childhood cancers like leukemia are increasing and the vaccines are likely a factor. Dr. Jeff Bradstreet may have been "suicided" for his work in recovering children from autism. One theory explaining his mysterious death involves his possible discovery of a third persons DNA other than the parents in children with autism. Did vaccine DNA cause genetic changes in some children getting the shots? Did that contribute to the development of autism? Forrest Maready has done an interesting book called "Crooked" which outlines how particularly traumatic it is for a child to get shots when they are old enough to require restraint. His ideas explain why shots given at this time are particularly likely to cause damage, especially to the brain. His book convinced me that whether we realize it or not, pediatric vaccination is more akin to a form of demonic abuse than to "health" care.

Anonymous ID: 601f6d Feb. 3, 2019, 6:14 p.m. No.5020452   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I will be glad to visit both websites. I spend a lot of time on vaccines and have developed some hypotheses about how they could be used to alter the frequencies of certain genotypes. Basically human engineering on a global scale. The connections between vaccines, vaccination and eugenics are quite clear. Bill Gate's non-stop promotion of vaccines and his creepy TED talk about reducing the population are the tip of one nefarious iceberg. Bill Gate's father sat on the board of Planned Parenthood. A Rockefeller trained doctor by the name of Gates used an experimental vaccine on troops in Kansas and the global 1918 "flu" pandemic may have been the result. New information on non-specific effects of vaccines show that a shot can provide limited immunity to one thing while still massively increasing the risk of mortality.

Anonymous ID: 601f6d Feb. 3, 2019, 6:39 p.m. No.5020706   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Here's an example of how a shot can provide short term immunity to contagious illness all the while increasing mortality! It provides a cover to exterminate many people all the while claiming to "eradicate" some contagious disease. Much reporting on the article misses something very important. If a baby received the DTP alone their risk of dying was 10x higher than normal. If they received the DTP with oral polio vaccine the risk was 5x normal. Oral polio vaccine is not injected. This vaccine mimics natural exposure and possibly is not exactly a "vaccine".

Anonymous ID: 601f6d Feb. 5, 2019, 7:31 p.m. No.5047409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7917 >>2396

When Americans realize that as long as Planned Parenthood sells baby tissues to researchers, our children will be at risk from vaccine injections containing genetic material from aborted babies, maybe some "normies" will wake up enough to reject the destruction of the weakest and most helpless for the benefit of the most wicked.

Anonymous ID: 601f6d Feb. 11, 2019, 12:27 a.m. No.5119522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2227

Human sacrifice feeds the strength of the demonic in the communities where it is practiced. Planned Parenthood is a satanic temple when viewed in that light. Abortion is a big part of maintaining the devil's stranglehold on America and the world. It does a lot for the cabal (Bill Gates' father was on the board of PP and Bill and Melinda Gates push "family planning" as well as vaccines and GMO technology globally). Think about it. Abortion covers up crimes against children. It disproportionately kills minorities and the poor and it provides a constant and profitable stream of profitable human tissues. Do not miss the connection between vaccines and abortion. Fetal cell lines from abortions are necessary in the production of vaccines for human infections caused by viruses that only affect humans. Think measles (which may be a reason that fake news is going hysterical over a few cases here and there in the US). The sin of shedding innocent blood is very real. Repentance is absolutely necessary. And that includes repenting of using products derived from abortions as well as birth control methods that induce them. Think about why Democrats are pushing removal of religious and philosophical exemptions from vaccination coinciding with the push to legalize all forms of abortion and even infanticide. Satan wants every one he can devour by way of getting us to participate in demonic "libations of blood" . Senomyx, vaccines and taxpayer funded abortion heap "blood guiltiness" on the entire population and must be stopped to prevent our absolute destruction by the wrath of God. If you have not put your faith in Jesus and had your sons forgiven, now is an opportune moment to seek Him. Jesus made a sacrifice for sin that paid our debt. As God in human form, his willing sinless sacrifice of his life defeated Satan and opened the way to salvation for all who believe. If you have never read the New Testament you will be amazed at how relevant the words of Jesus are to this very time. God bless all who are being saved out of this evil generation.

Anonymous ID: 601f6d Feb. 11, 2019, 8:11 a.m. No.5122171   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why do Democrats support killing babies in the womb while also mandating toxic vaccine injections. Both vaccination and abortion victimized the "least" in society for the benefit of the evil cabal and it's leader, the devil. Godly parents don't kill their own children and they also don't want to be compelled to inject them with poison. If you oppose abortion it is consistent with the pro-life stance to oppose mandated vaccines. Some vaccines are derived from cell. lines obtained from abortions. Pic related.