Awesome graphic anon. Top job.
Hey fren, don't feel bad at all, it's all good.
We can easily ask the baker to add this note / post at the end.
Can I do anything to help? I just got here but will be around for a good while.
Well spotted. Hope memanon sees your post.
Report: Prohibiting Trafficking of Baby Body Parts and Federal Funding for Fetal Tissue Research from Induced Abortions
The House of Representatives in the 114th Congress responded to the CMP videos by establishing the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives in October 2015 to examine these grotesque practices. The Select Panel uncovered widespread unethical and illegal practices involving the trafficking of baby body parts from abortion businesses to sellers via fetal tissue procurement companies acting like middlemen.
For example, ABR was investigated and appeared as a case study in the Select Panel’s July 2016 interim update. The Panel found that ABR paid Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities a flat fee of $45 to $60 per baby specimen.
In 2015 alone, ABR made nearly $80,000 in payments to its top five abortion facilities from which it procured baby body parts. In turn, ABR sold these parts to customers. In 2015 alone, ABR’s revenue from the sale of baby body parts to its top six customers equaled $191,984 including at least 80 baby brains, 36 pairs of eyes, eight hearts, 16 spinal cords, two intact skullcaps, two spinal columns, two skins, and other tissue.
CMP’s investigations revealed from invoices that the process was similar with other biotech companies. The middlemen paid abortion facilities for collecting the baby body parts and then sold them to universities, pharmaceutical companies, research labs, and even the NIH and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for astronomical prices.
September 2017
Issue Brief IF17I01
Pdf attached
Dig call
This report appears to hold many findings, facts and figures which could be used in meme warfare.
Dig call for meme ammo
Congressman Abraham: Planned Parenthood covered up child sex abuse; calls for investigation
June 7, 2018 - Press Release
The study's key findings of Planned Parenthood reporting failures include:
In Washington in 2014, George Savanah repeatedly raped and impregnated his daughter, and took her to Planned Parenthood to have each pregnancy terminated while she was 14, 16 and 17 years old.
In Colorado in 2012, Timothy David Smith forced his stepdaughter to have an abortion after he impregnated her when she was 13 years old. Planned Parenthood not only performed the abortion but also sent her home with her abuser.
In Ohio in 2004, Denise Fairbanks sustained repeated sexual abuse by her father for years. At 16, her father impregnated her and took her to Planned Parenthood for an abortion. Despite notifying the staff of her abuse, Planned Parenthood ignored her pleas for help, refused to report the incident to authorities, and sent her home with her father, who continued to abuse her.
Article: House Republicans set up Planned Parenthood select committee inquiry
Thu 8 Oct 2015
Democrats say investigation of women’s rights group over claims it was involved in fetal tissue trade is politically motivated and wasteful.
The House of Representatives has voted to establish a select committee to investigate Planned Parenthood, splitting along party lines 242-189 with only one Republican opposed and two Democrats supporting the bill.
– Late Term Abortion Baby Stuck inside Mother Doctor Crushes Head
(Strongest Warning Possible…You Have Been Warned)
Planned Parenthood Exposed
30sec vid - made for sharing
Planned Parenthood Exposed
Survivors of abortion
2:30sec vid
PP promotes abortion by saying it's safer than giving birth.
Twitter video includes PP Black Community tweet stating that it's safer for black women to abort than to take pregnancy to term. Pic related - screen cap.
Congressman Diane Black and the Fight to Defund Planned Parenthood
11:31 Video
Dr Levatino Explains Planned Parenthood Abortion Procedures
5:26 video - made for sharing
SHOCKING: Lila Rose Exposes Planned Parenthood | Huckabee
Selling baby body parts
Giving secret abortions to abuse victims
Former clinic Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson reveals the horrors of what she saw in new book 'The Walls are Talking' and tells Tucker why she became an anti-abortion activist
PP clinics have monthly abortion quotas which must be met
PP don't do a lot of the things they say they do (mamograms, women's health)
Selling abortions
Baby fetus's sold for approx. $200 each
One clinic makes approx $2m per year selling fetal tissue
6:42 Video
Rep. Diane Black Debunks Planned Parenthood’s Title X Talking Points
9:50 video
Number of Planned Parenthood Facilities By State in 2018
Side by side on the House/Senate's Planned Parenthood investigations
they BOTH referred PP to the FBI, and it seems like the FBI investigation is STILL on going
Pro-life leader Lila Rosa urges Trump administration to defund Planned Parenthood
POTUS is pro-life so
Why aren't PP being defunded?
We are putting pressure on POTUS
New York - mothers health can be defined too broadly, essentially meaning anyone can abort at full term
More and more Americans are becoming pro-life
4:17 Video
House Investigation into Planned Parenthood - Select Investigative Panel Final Report
December 30, 2016
Special Report: Partial-Birth Abortion at Planned Parenthood
The Center For Medical Progress
22 January 2019
18 U.S.C. 1531. Partial-birth abortions prohibited.
Although federal law has prohibited partial-birth abortions for 12 years, CMP’s investigative journalism surfaced troubling admissions that Planned Parenthood—the biggest abortion business in the country—has never honestly attempted to comply with the law and has instead actively circumvented it.
On undercover footage, Planned Parenthood medical directors and executives described abortions involving intact, living fetuses and procedures identical to those prohibited by law—and they routinely pointed to specific Planned Parenthood protocols as providing the legal loophole to do so.
New primary-source documents, never before released publicly, now corroborate these statements on the videos, which a federal appeals court recently ruled were evidence that Planned Parenthood commits criminal partial-birth abortions.
The ongoing revelations about Planned Parenthood’s participation in harvesting and selling aborted baby body parts show the incentives that major abortion centers have to resort to illegal methods such as PBA, and increase the urgency for U.S. Department of Justice and other enforcement agencies to hold Big Abortion accountable to the law.
Good one
2: Guttmacher Institute: U.S. Population Growth and Family Planning: A Review of the Literature. 1969 pdf attached
^^^ The Guttmacher Institute, their shocking research (which led to policies?), and their close ties to Planned Parenthood.
The 3 images together would make a good graphic if anyone's up for it.
How lying marketers sold Roe v. Wade to America
“”Women must have control over their own bodies.”
“Safe and legal abortion is every woman’s right.”
“Who decides? You decide!”
“Abortion is a personal decision between a woman and her doctor.”
“Who will make this most personal decision of a woman’s life? Will women decide, or will the politicians and bureaucrats in Washington?”
“Freedom of choice – a basic American right.”
In one of the most successful marketing campaigns in modern political history, the “abortion rights movement” – with all of its emotionally compelling catch-phrases and powerful political slogans – has succeeded in turning what once was a heinous crime into a fiercely defended constitutional right.”
If you’d rather not support the systematic murder of unborn human babies, here is a list of 60 companies and nonprofit organizations that have directly funded Planned Parenthood. The list, which was last updated on June 21, was compiled by a “conservative watchdog for corporate activism” called 2nd Vote.
American Express
Bank of America*
Bath & Body Works**
Ben & Jerry’s*
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Charles Schwab
Deutsche Bank*
Fannie Mae*
Freddie Mac*
Frito Lay**
General Electric*
Groupon (partners with Planned Parenthood)
Jiffy Lube**
JPMorgan Chase
Johnson & Johnson*
Kaiser Permanente
Kraft Heinz*
Levi Strauss*
Liberty Mutual*
March of Dimes (individual chapters)
Mondelez International*
Morgan Stanley*
Progressive Insurance*
Susan G. Komen
United Airlines*
United Way (individual chapters)
US Bank*
Wells Fargo
WD-40 Company
*In these cases, the company’s giving is via matching gifts to Planned Parenthood.
**In these cases, the organization’s parent company gives money to Planned Parenthood.
***In these cases, the organization’s parent company matches gifts to Planned Parenthood.
January 28, 2019
Top dig, anon.
Had just read your post with interest anon when I found this -
Dr. Theresa Deisher of Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute in Seattle, WA has spent years researching this. She has found a clear correlation between use of the fetal DNA vaccines and autism. Please look at these two websites: and
Twitter Op
Rising hashes
US Sen. Kamala Harris, Dems, Abuse Offices for Witch-Hunt of planned Parenthood Investigative Journalists
Rather than opening an investigation into Planned Parenthood for trafficking in human body parts, California’s then-Attorney General Kamala Harris, a Democrat, filed charges against the undercover investigators, David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress.
Harris ordered Daleiden’s home to be raided, and using 11 agents, confiscated video research and evidence, in an attempt to prevent millions of people from seeing what actually goes on inside Planned Parenthood.
Ronald D. Rotunda, a professor of jurisprudence at Chapman University, said the emails show Ms. Harris is a “tool of Planned Parenthood.” He said it is not uncommon for the attorney general to play a role in the legislative process, but added that Ms. Harris in this case was “working with Planned Parenthood to protect it from criminal prosecution.”
David Daleiden, Planned Parenthood Invetigstive Journalist, on Kamala Harris and Planned Parenthood
Video: 6:52
Rather than opening an investigation into Planned Parenthood for trafficking in human body parts, Kamala Harris, a Democrat, filed charges against the undercover investigators, David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress.
Harris ordered Daleiden’s home to be raided
and using 11 agents, confiscated video research and evidence, in an attempt to prevent millions of people from seeing what actually goes on inside Planned Parenthood. >>5024590
Virginia Democrat Candidate Ralph Northam Received Nearly $2 Million In Donations From Planned Parenthood Virginia.
A majority of Democrats still support Northam, who endorsed infanticide and featured a blackface KKK photo on his yearbook page.
Repost. Thanks to anon for the post