I have been digging on Eastern Virginia Medical School since news came out about Gov. Ralph Northam (D-VA) and his 1984 yearbook spoofyness.
Not that it means much, but here are a few oddities about EVMS.
Alumni included David Brown MD, a space shuttle astronaut killed on the Columbia.
Alumni included William McGee, MD, the founder of Operation Smile which was so loved by the McCains.
Ironic quote from the college President in 2016…
Looking out over a sea of medical students, you can’t ignore that their coats aren’t the only things that are white. Overwhelmingly, so are their faces.
By most measures, Gerry Ovide is a typical medical student. Inspired to pursue medicine following the death of a loved one, he is now a third-year medical student busy rotating through clinical departments, preparing for his medical licensure exam and working hard to realize his dream of becoming a physician.
But in the classroom and in his chosen profession, Mr. Ovide stands out — he is a black man.
“As a kid, I wanted to become a basketball player,” he says. “That is a sentiment that I feel many African-American children have. They see successful black male athletes, musicians and other entertainers, and they aspire to be like them.”
Often young black males never consider medicine as a career, in part, Mr. Ovide says, because of the scarcity of role models. “How often do they see black physicians?”
https: // www.evms.edu/about_evms/administrative_offices/marketing_communications/publications/issue_9_4/black-and-white-issue.php