Anonymous ID: d79226 Feb. 2, 2019, 6:48 p.m. No.5008512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8566

Demand to Take a Stand



>Term limits to all Congress to NO MOAR than 8 years in office (just like POTUS position). [Power corrupts & the longer the power the MOAR CORRUPT.]

>Financial audits on every single CURRENT Congressman who has currently served more than 2 terms. (You should NOT be getting rich off of being a public servant in Congress or get rich by SELLING AMERICA SECRETS TO OUR ENEMIES).

>Financial Audits on every new person running for Congress. (Where is your money coming from?)

>All elementary, high school, college, community service, club memberships, tweets, Facebook & any court records MUST be made public for any person running for Congress & they must sign an affidavit saying that they & their campaign party are NOT hiding information from the American people who I’ll be voting.

>The Congressional delegates must publicly swear on a BIBLE, copy of Constitution, Copy of Bill of Rights , Old Glory, that they will uphold their oath BEFORE GOD to protect the United States of America & her people.

>Congressional delegates must abide by & promote VOTER ID & not condone illegal entry or illegal voting in America. (Violators will be immediately withdrawn from the campaign.)

>Every Single Congressman will be subject to obey by every single law they pass (pass a bill like “Obamacare” then you must be a participant).

>No Congressman gets any special treatment above a regular citizen unless it is a National Emergency or for national security (no using our AIR FORCE to fly home, flying first class & charing thousands of dollars to tax payers for your booze).

>If the government is shut down bc all 3 branches can’t negotiate then the Congressman don’t get paid double the amount of time the government is shut down & they do NOT get back pay.

>If a Congressman or delegate supports abortion and/or late term abortion then they must sit brought multiple abortions of their unborn, American constituents & must experience EXACTLY what happens when the unborn American is born.

>If Congress approves WAR then they must have to visit the war zone & our troops at least twice during the year of War.

>Each Congressman or delegate MUST visit the Southern Border, talk to our border patrol & be a part of illegal immigrant round ups.

>Each Congressman that still believes in open borders must live as they speak- no walls, fences, or security where they live.

>Every Congressman or delegate MUST BE BORN IN the USA & MUST NOT have a dual or multiple citizenship to any other country (this should be common sense).

>Every session of Congress must begin with a prayer & the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.

>Voter ID & Fingerprint is a must & anyone who is illegally voting will automatically spend 5 years in prison

>Our FBI, CIA, DOJ, etc…. ALL THOSE at the top of our government, must be audited once a year & all of their communications automatically recorded by our NSA & if caught with a burner phone or having their own server will automatically serve 5 years in prison.

>Every election WILL BE AUDITED & any county with illegal, dead or multiple voters will be fined & the head person in charge will face 5 years in prison.


== It is time that WE THE PEOPLE set the DEMANDS & TAKE CONTROL over our COUNTRY…..

…and those who are ELECTED to SERVE US!




WE are the ones with POWER NOW!



Truth is coming….NOTHING will stop what is about to happen


>Are YOU ready?

Anonymous ID: d79226 Feb. 2, 2019, 6:58 p.m. No.5008625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8636


Too bad most Anons won’t even read.

We are the ones who should be making demands.

When will Americans REALLY WAKE UP?

When will Americans finally take control of what THEY own?

Anonymous ID: d79226 Feb. 2, 2019, 7:44 p.m. No.5009162   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Don’t forget the REAL QUESTION….amongst all the hog manure….



Demand PROOF! How can a dead or comatose SCOTU’s be vot8ng?

Don’t lose focus.