The Keystone is the stone placed at the top of an archway which give the arch it’s stability and it completes the structure. Masonic legend harkens back to the time of King Solomon and the building of the Temple in Jerusalem. As the Keystone completes the arch and gives it it’s strength and stability, so does the diligent pursuit of knowledge and living a morally upright lifestyle. As you can see, this concept of balance and structure is as important in Masonic symbolism as it is in the actual art of building a physical structure. It has a beginning and an end. An Alpha and an Omega. Both are equally important because you can’t have one without the other.
This concept permeates not only Freemasonry, but other mystical traditions as well.The Chakra system is prevalent in many Eastern religions. It also has found it’s way into Western thought through various means. The body has multiple energy centers within it. Starting at the base of the spine, or in the reproductive organs and going up, sequentially to the top of the head. This is symbolic of the lower self or base-emotions. In other words, one who only has an active Root Chakra is living in and acting in a low vibration of consciousness.This can be likened to the Cornerstone. If the Cornerstone were the starting and ending point of a structure, there would be no structure. The activation of the Chakras is capped off with the activation of the Crown Chakra. Activation of this Chakra is said to create a moment of enlightenment and understanding. This can be likened to the placement of the Keystone. This is the completion of the journey. As a building must start with the Cornerstone and end with the Keystone, the activation of the Chakras must start in the dark corner of our lower emotions of the Root Chakra and end in the Crown. This is not to say that the Root Chakra is unimportant. Again, as in Masonic allegory, you cannot have one without the other. You must have the progression from lowest to high. This creates balance with the Chakras which is necessary for mastery.
whole lotta nothin'
I argue for now (contemplating hard on it) that in Q's context the keystone is simply the masonic aspect of the elite deception. freemasonry. How freemasonry is the clowns in a lot of aspects and painting that picture. From darkness or ignorance of it to awareness of it. Symbolism being their downfall. The keystone is a masonic symbol. Q also mentioned freemasonry within the context of symbolism being their downfall w/ the false flag crisis actor posts.