Alert! Alert! They can be taught!
This is new!
It has QAnon on the bottom so it can be used in the MSM to prove QANON are nazis and it is poorly formatted to make it hard to read but GUISE- it's actually new MuhJoo shit!
Can you supply the address or phone number of the JIDF? Any evidence of JIDF having employees or a payroll perhaps?
Or did you just make that muhjoo shit up?
Don't get me wrong, I fully defend your right to free speech. Just don't get all pissed when I ridicule you for your crap evidence, lack of imagination, absence of creativity and posting the same stale shit over and over and over and ……
See we had an opportunity to engage in a reasoned discussion, and boom straight back to the ad hominem. If you cant defend your ideas, why do you promote them?
Mossad, sure. If that makes you feel better.
Do you have any friends?
To rebut your organs post, I suggest you look outside of the middle east and look into organ trafficking, sale and theft in China.
Well, I guess I'll just exercise my right to mute your predictable ass next bread. Night night Johnny no-mates.