Could this be pertinent to the spelling of Martial being spelled Marshall by Q?? Is it possible Q was referencing the German Marshall Fund??
Pic related.
Possibly yeah! Will re read the uber driver report with that in mind!
IDK how much should be credited to Twattenburg, just that he was convenient & easily accessed & recruited by Snowden's & his mentality fit! I'm sure that plays a part in his seclusion tho! The familial tie is not well known but I was surprised I didn't see it documented yet on here! As you said it's not hidden!
Awesome! Love it when a PLAN starts to come together! LOL
My pleasure! I REALLY liked it & was sure other anons would too & Q! So far all said it was Kek ass as I thought PLUS alternate redpill format as normies I had listen to it liked it a lot too! Will pass on your feedback! He'd been using it to redpill also!