Good dig! Red pills galore albeit beyond expiration date.
Good point and THANKS FOR THE LINK.
Hmmmm SAUCE.
Behold a Pale Horse might harbor many a truth, it still is the work of a clown, so take care and a few pinches of salt.
Good dig! Red pills galore albeit beyond expiration date.
Good point and THANKS FOR THE LINK.
Hmmmm SAUCE.
Behold a Pale Horse might harbor many a truth, it still is the work of a clown, so take care and a few pinches of salt.
Will shifty be as much in favor of leakers whenever the hammer comes down on him (on this board I presume).
Anyone got any further on the supposed Standard Hotel Acid Body Disposals?
The one guy on jewtube who dissected the sauce got his account nuked.
His vid doesn't really prove anything but made a good case of suggesting "more meat somewhere down the drain" so to speak. Draincleaner anyone? Need more sauce on this.
http:// www.breitbart.com/video/2018/02/25/dem-rep-adam-schiff-im-proud-trump-thinks-im-bad-hombre-leaking/
What I had already:
http:// articles.latimes.com/2009/jan/31/local/me-standard31
https:// www.anonymousconservative.com/blog/standard-hotel-has-55-gallon-drums-of-acid-on-site/
don't get me started on 'muh'slims.
If there were a vaccine against stupidity it'd rid us of them as well as of flat-earthers but there ain't, innit big pharma?