good evening
I am in metaphysical mood tonight anyone else? entertaining new ideas thoughts and questions.
This is showing everything is fields that all reality is just fields.
it is a good night shift even ebot is chill
ohh fuck ebot
golf clap don't lick the stripper pole wow
anyone have the obama
I would tap that with trump tower in the background meme? I can't find mine
In moving stuff from old to new computer found a tidbit of metaphysical gold.
You have to share stuff with yourself to be able to access the info.
I would bite your ass but they killed my uncle for that.
When god was pored he/she created a she/he when they got bored the created a child when all got bored they created an external universe to play with. And thus is how we are here and so fucked up.
I am a governor I tell people to kill infants and I am applauded; I wear a silly hat and black face and I am condemned.
kek flat sun society
silly rabbit trix are for elite
if you believe you are on a flat sheet you have to crumple the shit out of it to get our experience.
kek wow - condemned for college prank but not killing babies!
When you misspell something or flip a pronon you are evil. But if you bury the bodies in the bakiyard you are just confused?
When th illusion is so fucked up that it glitches
wow this gov shit makes me think the matrix it glitching out
and holly crap it is back I found it..
why at the end of every bread does auto post stop?