Anonymous ID: 324d9f Feb. 3, 2019, 1:38 a.m. No.5011838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1857

If you want to see how the cabal actually use key media celebrities to distort society watch this set of clips from UK comedian Frankie Boyle (note the hand signal in attached photo).


It's all based on human psychology - memes, think hard wired brain heuristics and mirror neurons. This is how I think it works:


1) media figures disseminate the memes. They do this by what they talk about, how they behave, their views, their values, what they said is good and what they say is bad (watch the clip and think about what Frankie is talking about. How he frames thing, etc but without thinking about the actual contents, when you watch it try to think about how it makes you feel inside…)


2) our hardwired brain psychology is then used by (((them))) to propagate these memes further into society. (as an aside I find rape and paedo jokes very funny and also find Frankie Boyle hilarious, I wonder why that is)


3) over time, and they have been in it for the LONG game, our society changes. We all think a bit differently. Those who aren't infected, because they don't watch this material, become more and more marginalized in society. Just think about the way anti-abortion views are


An interesting aside, my own father has very strong Christian beliefs and refuses to watch people like Frankie Boyle, my father turns off films if there is sex scenes or swearing., and you know what my father thinks abortion is wrong, gay marriage is wrong, homosexuality is an aberration etc. To the point that my wife and I don't have a great relationship with him (although, from this insight, this will change)


Now take this simple 3 step model and test this against our current celebrity culture - Caitlin Jenner - she's so brave…there is so much of this and if you extrapolate all of the cabal control THIS IS THE ONE THAT IS MOST TOXIC.