>all my favorite musicians turn out to be leftie/cabal losers. Waters, Neil Young etc etc
I'm with you anon. I been thinking about this a lot.
Music is so ephemeral - it's all in the marketing. While there is less of the casting couch than you see in Hollywood as most bands are made up of guys, there is still the big, joo-run machine of producing and marketing bands. Plus music is perfect for controlling/brainwashing young people - the same way films are used as propaganda.
So, unfortunately, the same Hollywood systems of control are in play - nobody is their own man… or very few. They are all controlled and packaged to fit an agenda. And the Agenda is controlled by the government, elite and even Military in the case of the Laurel Canyon scene. Neil Young or Roger Waters (or The Doors) may seem like renegades or hippies but they have been chosen for their ability to appeal to our weaknesses and to push a message - e.g. peace out, rebel (but not too much), there's no hope, glorify war, be angry at republicans, smoke pot, drop acid etc. It's a fucking shame when you realize that everyone you admired is just another compromised lackey for the elite. Another way (((they))) steal our youths. Ergh.