>Texas LHC
>Was the project abandoned? Or was this GHWB digging out his new digs?
>Both locations, trying to pin it down.
>Looks like I opened a can of worms with the mention of the "Desertron" Texas Superconducting Super Collider that was cancelled in 1993.
>Chemical company Magnablend eventually moved into the facility.
>Magnablend was bought by Univar.
>Univar is a Huge chemical Corp.
>It always seems to trend this way doesn't it.
>A Huge Global Chemical company controls the once Huge Supercollider facility.
"Desertron" Texas Superconducting Super Collider that was cancelled in 1993
Recent Events - connection to that Project.
(Rep. Joe Barton) who just had to "Resign from Political Life" due to a sexting scandal last year, was THE Representative from Ennis, Tx (the area of the collider) that promoted and supported the collider project.
With what we know about [Old Guard] "Resignations"; What's in HIS closet I wonder?
Listen to him in 1993 on C-Span interview.
He was a supporter of it.
He said it was "Peer Reviewed" since the 1970s.
How many other Gov. Scientific & Tech projects were researched for years and then mysteriously cancelled?
LifeLog - to - Facebook = for example.
Texas (SSC) "Desertron" Collider - to - ?
Now Major Chemical Co has control of it.
So yeah, what's up?