love you guys…no homo…
GENDER is what we are born with..Male/Female
SEXUALITY a completely different animal and runs the gamut in our society along a bell curve…
Very easy to fuck with us here as NO ONE is 100% hetero-sexual…well maybe like .5% of so…
So easy to MANIPULATE us here with false narratives…
You certainly do not see all this gender confusion coming from the right or religous areas…it all comes from the same lefty/NGO patter that pedowood spews…
>Loral Space & Communications to launch satellites in China
Forgot about this! This is a BIG puzzle piece when we get to China…
Anons might tuck Loral away as when we begin the China digs it will be important…
>all my favorite musicians turn out to be leftie/cabal losers. Waters, Neil Young etc etc
I would wager most "real" musicians…"real" artists.. are multidimensional being. Very much like "real" autists..
The CHOADs have a better understanding of how shit works in the universe than we do…so they can ID these folks pretty early on…
Then they co-opt them. The artists, like the autist, have agreed to be here in the dark. Some figure it out (maybe Lennon…) some don't (Cobain)…
Have anons heard the speculation about the ending of Eyes Wide Shut?
That it was a human sacrifice, baby, that they were gathered for…
And that it relates to trump, his "initiation", and where he turned his back and walked away from the BS…
We all know Kubrick had in his contract that he got to make the movie his way with his edits…and WHY he was killed…