Anonymous ID: 33869c Feb. 3, 2019, 7:47 a.m. No.5013691   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3797


You cannot use illegitimate means to re-establish the rule of law in a country where the judiciary, the peoples' representatives, and the entrenched, unlected bureaucracy (deep state) has become overwhelmingly corrupt. It is essential that the "house" is cleaned first and then the law is properly applied to bring to justice the treasonous and corrupt. This takes time. Anything less would be either dictatorial (i.e. a failure to return government of the people, to the people) or it would not survive more than a couple of elections. Corruption would soon creep back in. On top of that, all the SJWs who have been propagandized in schools and universities (the upcoming generation) have to be woken up to the real danger facing the country - and it's not climate change - it's loss of liberty and health, impoverishment, and population decimation through deliberate genocide.

Patience isn't just desirable, it is essential.