LHC Anon
Location of Tx Collider was sold to Magnablend.
Magnablend was acquired by Univar.
Press Release.
LHC Anon
Location of Tx Collider was sold to Magnablend.
Magnablend was acquired by Univar.
Press Release.
Site of defunct TX Super Collider is now owned by Univar.
Background on Magnablend & Univar
I’m thinking it’s more like a giant Soylent Green Machine, instead of guacamole…..
Like for reelzzz. Ugh.
Not on my tortilla chip…..
Check this out…it gets fishier :(
Univar has a “food ingredients” division too.
Planefag….u here?
What extreme bullsh*t. Some satanic bird is going to make abused kids feel better? Those jokers are evil to the core.
Just a general howdy. Haven’t seen one of you pass through in a bit.
Are you getting the weird vibe I’m getting? I don’t wanna look paranoid, Kek. This might be a really big deal…….do u think?
I looked up Univar in Waxahachie, TX and found ads recruiting for warehouse workers. So there is still some sort of operational facility.
I’m curious to know if they store hazardous waste or conduct food research at that particular location.
Agreed. Waxahachie is a being fueling stop for transpo between H-town & Dallas. Easy access.
That facility has miles of underground tunnels and who know what else was left over from the Super Collider project. There could be all kinds of weirdness going on……worth a shallow dig perhaps?
Damn typos…..ugh.