That, right there, is why you never touch a sistahs hair. Bow Wow should've known better.
Everyone knows by now that Peterson and the rest in that image are controlled opposition.
You're right, let me rephrase. Peterson has been caught not only dodging the real question about cabal control, his has done a sly job of using his platform to quietly anger/divide youths; targeting whites, of course. Think "alt right movement". Rogan is a complete and utter joke. Shapiro loves to fan the flames of dividing with his demography remarks. I guess what I mean to say is, I think it should be obvious that these types bear all the Mark's of controlled opposition with their faggotry.
>Pitting anons against Q
Who do you think likely dropped the original digs on half, posing as anon, anon? This operation has been going on longer than you think.
I realize I might be in a minority on this, but I'll keep asking the question because it is worth pondering. I really want to know what q's position on homeostasis is. It will eventually need to be addressed.