Your brilliant Plan proceeds and by God’s grace will undoubtedly succeed. Our hearts are expanding with our thinking, even as we are occasionally jarred by events that seem to threaten to derail this train.
But I am an amateur historian. There is no history if events aren't recorded and conveyed to future generations. Modern life is riddled with irony. Amidst a cacophony of data, we cannot adequately define epistemology. We fight for We The People, yet hide behind our anonymous digital identities. We rail against deletions and redactions, yet massive amounts of our work on 8chan have vanished. Memes that have everything to do with our message, graphics, charts, accompanying pics, all are absent from earlier breads.
That’s more than ironic. It’s either inappropriately purposeful or just plain tragic. There can be no current or future study of Q if these things are missing. I do not care to hear about the difficulties of storage and expense. That should have been provided for, too.
It’s utterly incongruous to claim we have it all, that no one comes close to the U.S. in technological capability – if “the greatest military information operation of our time” could not retain all OUR efforts.
What’s going on here?
>>4834842 op
>>269 pf op