god no, watching star trek
kek, no, next gen reruns
ip hops wont help
k, bye then
i actually just watched that one a few days ago, now im on one about klingons but i havent been paying attention
at this point youre arguing with yourself
so ill leave you to your original op
that of educating us all on muh flat urf
they're going to argue viability next
humans mature very slowly compared to the animal kingdom
babies cant survive for several years
arent sexually viable till around 16
viability = life will be their next pivot, id put money on it
next gen
the word "controller" shows up quite often in your posts
are you projecting your social engineering op again?
did they promise you would be a god among trailer trash?
were you shocked and demoralized at what you found?
yeah, even replicators are in the news recently
new 3d printer that uses a type of resin to create objects via collisions with photons
sure, elderly, mentally unfit, those exercising wrongthink, etc
its all been done before, they really arent that creative
kek, i did once, i know your pain