Anonymous ID: e9b37e Feb. 3, 2019, 12:36 p.m. No.5016640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6656

Pope Francis Arrives in Abu Dhabi – First Pontiff to Visit Birthplace of Islam


Pope Francis arrived in Abu Dhabi on Sunday to begin a three-day visit to the Arabian Peninsula.


The Pope’s trip to the Arabian Peninsula is historic; he is the first Pontiff to visit the birthplace of Islam.


The Associated Press reported that Pope Francis is seeking to turn the page in Christian-Muslim relations.


Pope Francis will also hold a giant Mass on Tuesday which is expected to draw 135,000 people in what many are calling the largest show of Christian worship on the Arabian Peninsula ever.


More from the AP:


Francis traveled to Abu Dhabi to participate in a conference on interreligious dialogue sponsored the Emirates-based Muslim Council of Elders, an initiative that seeks to counter religious fanaticism by promoting a moderate brand of Islam. It’s the brainchild of Sheikh Ahmed el-Tayeb, the grand imam of Egypt’s Al-Azhar, the revered 1,000-year-old seat of Sunni Islam that trains clerics and scholars from around the world.


In a video message to the Emirates on the eve of his trip, Francis paid homage to his “friend and dear brother” el-Tayeb and praised his courage in calling the meeting to assert that “God unites and doesn’t divide.”


“I am pleased with this meeting offered by the Lord to write, on your dear land, a new page in the history of relations among religions and confirm that we are brothers despite our differences,” Francis said.

Anonymous ID: e9b37e Feb. 3, 2019, 12:37 p.m. No.5016653   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6693

Pentagon to Deploy 3, 750 Additional US Forces to Border With Mexico


According to a US Department of Defense statement, additional forces will be deployed to the nation’s southwest border with Mexico for three months as a means of providing support to customs and border agents.


The move will lead to a rise in the number of active US forces providing support for Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents, to approximately 4,350, Reuters reported.


In late January 2019, Secretary of Defence Patrick Shanahan announced that the Pentagon has been preparing to send "several thousand" additional troops to the Mexico-US border, answering a US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) call for assistance in monitoring and "laying down more concertina wire".


Earlier, the undersecretary of defense for policy, John Rood, told Congress that US officials are tracking three migrant caravans from Central America allegedly making their way toward the US-Mexican border, the largest of which is said to have over 12,000 would-be immigrants.


Initially the deployment of active-duty US forces was approved by the Pentagon in October 2018 and the decision was embraced by Trump supporters in Congress, according to Reuters.

Anonymous ID: e9b37e Feb. 3, 2019, 12:38 p.m. No.5016671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6873 >>6979 >>7000

Rep. Jim Jordan: Bruce Ohr Met with Chris Steele and Glenn Simpson 13 Times and Immediately Went to Debrief Comey FBI


Rep. Jim Jordan, the ranking Republican member of the House Oversight Committee joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.


Jim Jordan told Maria Bartiromo that former Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr met with Fusion GPS and


Rep. Jim Jordan: When we desposed Bruce Ohr he shared three key facts with the FBI that I think disprove Schiff’s memo:


— He said first of all Fusion was connected to the Clinton Campaign, Fusion GPS that put together the dossier.

— He said my wife Nellie Ohr worked for Fusion GPS.

— And the person Fusion hired, Christopher Steele has deep bias against the president.


Jim Jordan continued:


Bruce Ohr met and talked with Chris Steele and Glenn Simpson, the founder of Fusion GPS, multiple times. and after each and every encounter he had with Christopher Steele he went directly to the FBI and briefed them on what that conversation was about. At least 13 times he did that.


Comey and his cabal are crooks.

The fact that they hid this from the FISA court and Congress is criminal conduct.

Anonymous ID: e9b37e Feb. 3, 2019, 12:41 p.m. No.5016698   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iraq to Adopt Bill Ending US, Foreign Adviser Presence in Country - Statement


The Iraqi lawmakers mull designing legislation that would terminate the security agreement with the United States, according to the deputy speaker of the Iraqi parliament.


The statement comes amid US President Donald Trump's recent comment on the situation in the country. In particular, the US president said that Washington wants to keep its forces in Iraq so that the US could keep a close eye on Iran "because Iran is a real problem," according to an excerpt from CBS interview with Trump that will be aired later on Sunday.


"One of the reasons I want to keep it is because I want to be looking a little bit at Iran because Iran is a real problem", Trump said in the CBS interview.


On Wednesday, Trump slammed the US intelligence as "extremely passive and naive", claiming that Tehran is destabilizing the Middle East and continuing to test banned missiles. In particular, Trump mentioned an Iran missile test last week and made an oblique reference to Tehran "coming very close to the edge".


The United States reinstated sanctions against Iran following the country's withdrawal from JCPOA in May. The first round of sanctions came into force in August, followed by a second round on 5 November 2018. All other parties to the nuclear deal have disagreed with the US decision.


A December announcement by Trump that all US troops deployed in Syria would be coming home — and reports of plans to cut the US Afghan deployment in half — has prompted effort by Trump's inner circle and Republicans in Congress to delay any withdrawal.


Members of Congress and Trump's White House advisers have attempted to walk back a presidential announcement that some 2,000 US troops in Syria would come home within a month, claiming the Daesh is not yet defeated.


According to CBS interview, Some of the forces moving out of Syria will go to Iraq, where they can monitor any resurgence of Daesh or other militant group and "ultimately some will be coming home", Trump said


The US-led international coalition conducts strikes in Syria against Daesh without the authorization from Damascus or the UN Security Council, while Baghdad has given its consent for operations on Iraqi territory.

Anonymous ID: e9b37e Feb. 3, 2019, 12:44 p.m. No.5016722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6766 >>6873 >>6979 >>7000

GM to Lay Off 4,250 Salaried Workers in North America Starting Monday


General Motors will begin laying off 4,250 North American salaried workers Monday morning as part of a sweeping restructuring announced in November that includes the closure of five plants and the elimination of 15,000 jobs. The plan includes the destruction of 15 percent of the company’s 54,000 North American salaried jobs.


According to one press report, the jobs massacre will take the form of “rolling layoffs” that will continue until the end of the month. Three assembly plants—Lordstown, Ohio; Detroit-Hamtramck; and Oshawa, Ontario—along with Warren Transmission in Michigan and a propulsion plant in Maryland—are slated to close by the end of the year, devastating entire towns and cities.


One report said that GM management was determined to begin the layoffs before the company releases its fourth quarter 2018 and full year 2018 earnings reports on Wednesday, which are expected to show a drop in profits. This underscores the fact that Wall Street is cracking the whip on GM and the rest of the auto giants to press ahead with cost-cutting and stepped up attacks on the workers in order to drive up stock prices and the speculative profits of the banks, hedge funds and big investors. GM has said the job cuts and plant closings will free up $6 billion in cash, but the automaker has spent $10.6 billion since 2015 buying back its own shares in order to fatten the portfolios of the financial oligarchs.


The cuts have generated enormous anger and opposition among autoworkers in the US and Canada, who have never recovered from job cuts and concessions imposed with the collaboration of the auto unions as part of the Obama administration’s 2009 forced bankruptcy and restructuring of GM. The cuts will further impoverish regions in both the US and Canada that have been ravaged by decades of deindustrialization.


Last month, workers at the Oshawa assembly plant staged a five-hour sit down protest after GM CEO Mary Barra announced that she would not reconsider the decision to close the factory. Workers took the action independently of Unifor, terrifying the union officials and sending them scrambling to quash the rebellion.

Anonymous ID: e9b37e Feb. 3, 2019, 12:49 p.m. No.5016777   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Does the US Provide Covert Support to the Islamic State in Afghanistan?


Last year, Russia’s seasoned Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused Washington of providing material support [1] to the Islamic State Khorasan militants based in Afghanistan in order to divide and weaken the Taliban resistance against American occupation of Afghanistan. The accusations were also echoed by Iran.


Referring to news reports [2] that unmarked military helicopters had touched down in known Islamic State Khorasan strongholds in Afghanistan, Lavrov alleged:


“Unidentified helicopters, most likely helicopters to which NATO in one way or another is related, fly to the areas where the [Islamic State] insurgents are based, and no one has been able to explain the reasons for these flights yet.”


Moreover, a news report leaked [3] in March last year, during the trial of the widow of Orlando nightclub shooter, Omar Mateen (image below right), who had killed 49 people and wounded 53 others in a mass shooting at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida, on June 12, 2016, that his father, Seddique Mateen, was an FBI informant for eleven years.

Anonymous ID: e9b37e Feb. 3, 2019, 12:52 p.m. No.5016817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6984

South Dakota Passes Constitutional Carry, New Governor Noem Signs Bill


On January 31, 2019, Governor Kristi Noem signed her first bill into law. The bill was SB47, South Dakota Constitutional Carry. From


Governor Kristi Noem today signed her first bill into law. SB47, which Noem signed today, will further protect the Second Amendment rights of South Dakotans by allowing constitutional carry. The bill will go into effect July 1, 2019.


“More than 230 years ago, the Founding Fathers of our country penned the Constitution that has since laid the framework for centuries of policies. They so firmly believed in the importance of the freedom to bear arms that they enshrined it into the Constitution’s Second Amendment,” said Noem. “This constitutional carry legislation will further protect the Second Amendment rights of South Dakotans.”


The bill passed extremely rapidly. I was impressed. The South Dakota legislature kept their word. Governor Noem kept her word. Bill SB 47 passed on 22 January, 2019, in the Senate. From


PIERRE — A bill allowing people to carry concealed handguns without a permit has passed the South Dakota Senate.


Senate Bill 47 will now go to the South Dakota House for consideration after the Senate passed the measure, sometimes called “constitutional carry,” in a 23-11 vote after an hour of debate on Tuesday afternoon.