Anonymous ID: 463def Feb. 3, 2019, 2:21 p.m. No.5017815   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Last tasty loaf


>IF it is him, where are the witnesses.


>appears to me that fakenews does not want to find any witnesses or we would be hearing about their investigative reporting by now.


>It wouldn't take much to go ask some other kids at his school and find out.


>I haven't seen anything on that front yet.


Yes exactly. The black hats had the photo/evidence. So did the white hats. The black hats told Northrem what to do should the pics get released in the MSM. Other ranking dims (like NancyP) were told how to respond as well. That way it could be released without notifying anyone it was coming.

Given the partial birth infanticide mess, black hat operators thought the release was done by their team. That's why the gov. doxxed himself. That's why prominent dim operators responded as they did.


But NOT the white hats and Repubs.


My guess is that white hats released it. They poured gasoline on the fire and watched the black hats' blackmail trap go BOOM in their faces.