Anonymous ID: d74c73 Feb. 26, 2018, 8:12 p.m. No.507022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7429 >>7431 >>5792

Is it ok 2 just list all possibilities about who controls the norks?

>Q the answer will blow your mind.

So let's use our autism & expand our thinking.

WHO/WHAT wud blow our minds?

Play sherlock holmes now. Deduct.

1) Russia or china? Nope. Mind not blown here.

2) CLowns? Yes, we know they r involved, but the answer must b more than that. Mind not blown by "clowns" alone

3) snowden? Wud amaze me in a sense like "how da fuq?" Big can of worms. Wud not blow me away, but getting warm.

4) someone who we think is dead. Now THAT wud b a BLOW ME AWAY moment, depending on who it is. Let's shelve this one

5) nazi's. Clowns & operation paperclip prove that there was/is no shortage of nazis. Cud be that they were taken there to continue "work" for the clowns, /badguys kids from nazis etc. Wudnt blow my mind, but others perhaps. Shelving this one too.

6) aliens. Def. Blow me away here. Wud not explain why they arent running the show completely and just stuck in pointless stupid nork. If superior, why not rule entire planet. So nono 4 aliens.

7) AI. Considering the hacking stuff etc, AI wud b on my shortlist. Wud blow my mind. Shelving AI.

8) clones. Ever seen the bodysnatchers? Pls do. Norkistan seems like a perfect human clone farm to me. Specially since there seems to b medical tourism. If u view the flyer another anon posted, stemcell, transplant, cancer treatments.. Think they hv something too hide. Human clone farm? Egotrip doctors that hv made their own clones running the show? Mind blower and shelved.

Anons, pls speculate some more

We need to examine the possibilities and eliminate the impossible. It can be done.

Pls think "mindblowing" and add to this list.

Anonymous ID: d74c73 Who controls the norks? (2) March 1, 2018, 7:31 a.m. No.525792   🗄️.is 🔗kun


See my post >>507022

I gave [8]. One anon suggested [9] UK but no reasoning given. Let's shelve [9] as NONO 4 now because no sauce.

Leaves us with these possibilities:


1] someone who we think is dead

2] nazis

3] AI

4] Clone(s)

ADDING to the mix: (perpare 2 barf now)

SEVERAL scientific studies recently published that human DNA/body is GREAT to use as

Data storage.. Its been published out in the open. First read it on RT.

So.. Spare female kids in china -dump in norks. Kids to rape, spare parts, grind thru cheap chinese food, or use to feed norks.

Added feature: USE as cloud storage space.


WHO of the [4] wud b the owner of something like THAT?

Must b someone that sold his soul to the devil.

Someone desperate?

Betrayed, wanting immortality? Powerful, tech savvie, angry. Ruthless.

sound like anyone we know?

A DEAD guy?

How about

=steve jobs==




Anonymous ID: d74c73 March 3, 2018, 12:02 p.m. No.540443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9809



Intriguing thought.


jap flag has an eye..

seppuku/harikiri since 1000;s of years

because of honor,

hence bankers/CEOs jumping from buildings.

BUT: Japanese banks owned by R's ??

AND: several mundain buts and iffs

AND: japan owning norks wud not blow my mind. a bit, but not completely.

