Not clear.
The top 10 donors, however, look to be fronts that with some digging I suspect can be linked to certain Major Players.
One example:
The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation
Based in London
Top donor. Owned by Christopher Hohn and his fund "The Children's Investment Fund"
Received the Order of S. Michael and St. George
Two patron saints of protection (michael) and keeping your mouth shut (george)
That's as far as I have gone but it's starting to look like money sent to the CF from the Crown via this fund.
Then you look at Red Cross/Red Crescent.
Q states they're a piggy bank.
And also smugglers
Of what?
Take Haiti for example:
Major catastrophe, donations pour in
Major funds setup:
Clinton Bush Haiti Fund
Catholic Relief Services (would be fun to tie this back to Vatican)
Clinton Foundation Haiti Fund
These funds receive money
Pay Red Cross
Red Red delivers something.
What do you think it could be?
Just pick a top donor and dig. There's a ton here.
Q drops will help make the connections where roadblocks occur.