RBG, Ignofaggot….
GTFO with your idiot unreality of 90 lb actresses kicking 200 lb men around……
dyslexic much?
or just lazy?
it's an abbreviation…
3 letters…
first of each name….
so you stick with Ruth Gader Binsberg
Limbaugh was prescient with his term of
"Feminazi" so long ago.
I can no longer suspend my disbelief for Pedowood films - they are beyond the laws of physics routinely and the sexual blurring is extremely unrealistic
not hiding…
you expanded your thinking overmuch Anon…
unfortunately, one has to be immersed in television to begin to be exposed to those things - or actively seeking them out.
we raise rabbits and eat them - no more exposure than that.
television i avoid quite a lot of by not having cable TV.
movies i used to enjoy, until the messaging became the plot.
you appear to have followed these rabbit people down their holes, to no good end…
so what is the bearing of an RGC CRT to the current supreme court Anon?
it's an image board - buckle up Anon…