Recent headlines discussing an open FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation have referred to it as a “money laundering scheme” where influence within the American government can be purchased – for a hefty price.
But there is also a lesser discussed aspect of the Clinton Foundation — one that is literally costing innocent lives. This Clinton Foundation program works to promote and expand abortion in third world countries in formal partnership with abortion supplier Planned Parenthood.
“While the Clinton Foundation doesn’t seem to actually do much but enrich the Clinton family, it does do one thing, and that is abortion,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue.
On the Clinton Foundation payroll is at least one Planned Parenthood abortionist.
Nicola Moore calls herself a “fly-in abortionista.” Based in Massachusetts, this traveling abortionist has spent stints working at Planned Parenthood abortion facilities across the country, wearing a mask in the likeness of one of the Three Stooges to conceal her identity.
But now, in addition to her job as an itinerant “abortionista,” Moore has landed a job with the Orwellian-sounding Clinton Health Access Initiative, according to documents obtained by Operation Rescue.