Do you recall the subsequent date(s) after 11-11-2018 when the 17-second pulse train thing reoccurred?
Do you believe the screenshot of a LHC/CERN status console dated Dec. 4, 2018 that indicates a shutdown JUST HAPPENED and the fire brigade was being called due to a "massive power glitch" on Dec. 4, 2018 at 11:11:58 (in some European time zone)? I'll repost it for reference.
We need solid date/time correlations if we're going to make anything of this data.
This document that I just found seems to indicate that before 2018 commenced, a shutdown was PLANNED for early December 2018. The screenshot isn't very good so click the PDF for a readable version.
I am starting to think that the report of a massive power glitch on 12/4/2018 may be fake. Unless the "massive power glitch" occurred, unrelated to the planned shutdown.