Had this in the Random thread, I think it fits in better here.
>Anonymous (You) 03/01/18 (Thu) 10:26:27 b5f9ae No.525755
>I did a little digging and the the youthful blood transfusions" industry is conected to Peter Thirel, and you can follow some Executive officers of the big pharma names like Merck to JC, BO, WJC at the American among other players.
>I believe I started with an article like this: https:// www.technologyreview.com/s/603242/questionable-young-blood-transfusions-offered-in-us-as-anti-aging-remedy/
>http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-5057353/BLOOD-transfusions-fountain-youth.html
>>>A year after the Stanford research, biotech company Alkahest in San Carlo, California, experimented a step further in a series of trials injecting the blood plasma of 18-year-old humans into old mice.
>>>They found that similar effects to the original study – human blood did rejuvenate both the body and brain, improving cognition and allowing them to frolic about like their younger counterparts.
>Then to a company or two: https:// www.ambrosiaplasma.com/ (I didn't get too far with this one)
>And Alkahest http:// www.alkahest.com/
>Alkahest Bought By Grifols. Griffols bought by Merck.
>Merck's Executive officer is Kenneth Frazier. (((Not a fan of Trump)))
>https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_Frazier
>Merck Has ties through Kenneth Fraizer to American Law Institute
>https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Law_Institute
>https:// ali.org/
>If you look at all of ALI's guest speakers and members, you'll find a link to the one and only (((JC))). Also, a lawyer with expertise in ELECTIONS LAW with ties to Perkins-Coe (Of the Dossier fame with HC) Among the other notables in the list were ambassadors under BO and WJC to the middle east and Haiti.
>(((The name was Irish-sounding - Mary or Katherine with a hyphenated last name.
>They've put their membership behind a registration now, so I'll have to go onto my archives and find the screen shots.
>Also, Peter Thiel.
>https:// www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/08/peter-thiel-wants-to-inject-himself-with-young-peoples-blood
>I think I linked him because paypal was connected somehow as an investor.
>This one could use more eyes. There's something there.