Nigger what are you smoking
Holy shit. You are 66? Wow this really has become boomer chan - fuck
If you would have told me in 2016 there would be 66 year olds posting on 8ch about apple cider and vinegar with the nazis in a few years… I wouldn't have believed you… but here we are
Yes last post referenced the screencapped post before Q stopped posting
January was Qs least number of posts since Q started. Generally when Q fucks up Q stops posting - after Qs long silence Q came back and immediately fucked up again.- I dont expect Q to post much longer tbh
Q is stolen from follow the white rabbit which is from cicada 3301 - follow the white rabbit started in 2015
You are a clown.
Dont listen to the person telling the truth
Who has all the evidence
And is in contact with several of the past ppl who posted as Q
And several ppl who work for 8ch
And members of cicada
Tick tock
There are two groups in play here… laugh about the chat logs - in 19 days you wont be laughing
the real meat and potatoes is the Twitter DMs
There has been many Q's most of the early ones flipped and leaked everything… reason some of us know most of Qs passwords
Everything from Matlock to WeAReQ@Q leaked
I've been here longer than Q buddy
everything I'm saying is true.
I could give a rat's what you think.
These messages should be read by Q
Q knows I'm telling the truth.
Q knows the situation he is in
Laugh all you want… the truth about Q will come out - there arent all these sealed indictments… nothing is going to happen… Q is fucking stringing everyone along with bullshit… Q isnt following the plan.
The plan is real… it's not what you think it is
read project mayhem - read ethersec
Learn what follow the white rabbit actually means
1st 4ch posts.. was Hillary arrested? It was
A larp
yes I know who made those posts dumbass