lol, glad I could help. Try just a pinch in your morning coffee tomorrow. It neutralizes the acid and makes the coffee very smooth.
I get little boxes of it from dollar general for 50 cents. 1 box lasts me for months.
You'd be surprised how much it helps and how many pains and aches are related to excessive acid from your stomach.
excessive stomach acid will fuck your stomach up worse. That's how you get bleeding ulcers. and baking soda will not interfere with digestion, that's still… wrong type of acid and bicarbonate of soda has no effect on those. Alkaseltzer, tums, rolaids… that's all they are, backing soda with a gimmick. Read the labels, you'll be surprised. Only use a little and only when you need it. It's also in a lot of foods you eat, daily.
It's just some kid trying to fit in and pretend they know something. FFS…