That’s me thinking about 5G wireless. kek :(
Word. Will need a faraday cage to go the mall.
Sweet you know. I have used before. Sucks for drywall, might as well use carbon based laminated paper emf reduction. Paint is cool for brick and concrete.
And silver based cloth for emf shielding (like near smart meters.
Then, use Stezerizer on each 120 circuit and double up on computer power outlets.
Now when 5g rolls out I just need to build a faraday cage suit or become an outcast of society :(
Foil only blocks radio and microwave waves , but the emf paint has a MUCH larger range of frequency blocking. Use paint and strategic use of cloth /paper.
Look up something like emf store online. Or emf shielding.
The Stetzerizer destroys low end emf pollution from the way smart meters deliver electricity to your socket.
Doesn’t work well at all on drywall.
Omg. It has carbon too. Derp