The people making these arguments never made them in good faith. Those on the "pro-choice" side of the abortion debate who brought up the viability of a fetus outside the mother, who pointed to a blurred line beyond which that fetus became a person, only did so in order to obfuscate and confuse. These people would have you believe that they are just as compassionate, as caring, as GOOD people, people who are just as concerned about the lives of children as you are and who are just as apalled at the idea of infanticide. They would have you believe that their position on this issue is born out of genuine confusion and disagreement about viability and the point at which a fetus becomes human, but that they don't actually think of themselves as being for infanticide. They would have you believe that they don't consider abortion to be infanticide, and that they would care if that's what it was. Recent news has proven that this is far from the truth. They're fine with early abortion, they're fine with late-term and partial-birth abortion, and they're fine with post-birth abortion. That is, they're fine with infanticide. Straight-up, flat-out murder. Those who mocked Trump for his claims that Clinton's, and by extension Democrats', policies would lead to abortion at 9 months must now admit that the present has proven the past. The orange boogeyman was right. The slippery slope was never a fallacy, and those pushing the agenda of "pro-choice" always intended for the Overton window to get here eventually. And here we are. In light of this, it's time that we reconsider. When we as a country first accepted the arguments of "choice," we accepted them from politicians who made them in bad faith. Those who sold us on early abortion always wanted to get here, to post-birth abortion, and the ones who sold us on a clump of cells and a heartbeat never cared whether that clump of cells was human or not. The Overton window having moved, they're fine with infanticide, and they always were fine with it privately, whatever their public positions were. I'm sure we can all agree that infanticide is wrong. But realize that when we decided on where this line was, we decided on the basis of arguments made by insincere liars and murderers to begin with. THEY WERE WRONG EVEN BACK THEN.