Anonymous ID: dd6499 March 1, 2018, 4 a.m. No.524955   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Linda Pritzker (born ca. 1955, Chicago, Illinois) is an heir to the Hyatt Hotel fortune, the second of five children of billionaire Robert Pritzker, a co-founder of that chain. Pritzker is herself a billionaire on the Forbes 400.


Linda Pritzker is known as a donor to Democratic Party candidates and causes. According to the list of financial contributors, Pritzker has donated at least US $4,000,000 to MoveOn.Org


Penny Pritzker, first cousin to Linda Pritzker, and another heir to the Hyatt Hotel fortune, as Hussein's first Campaign Finance Chair, raised $745 million for his election.


She has a personal wealth of $2.4 Billion. She served as Hussein's Commerce Secretary in his second term.

Penny Pritzker, whose father endowed the Chicago Medical School (where Michelle Obama served in a make work position as a VP without Portfolio), is board chair of the Parking Lot, a company owned by Marty Nesbitt (godfather of the two Obama girls), husband of Anita Blanchard. Penny, who served on the President's Economic

Recovery Advisory Board, is a big fundraiser for Hussein, personally donating $123,800 to his campaign. She also was chair of the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art, on which board Marty Nesbitt served.

Penny was also chair of the Chicago Public Education Fund, successor to the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (established by William Ayers, Anne Hallett, and Warren Chapman). The founding Board of Directors of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge included Hussein who served as its Chairman from 1995 till 1999.


Walter Annenberg, who founded the Annenberg Challenge with $500 million, worked closely with Newton Minow, senior counsel at Sidley Austin LLP.


Newton N. Minow (chairman of the FCC from 1961 to 1963) recruited Obama in 1988 to work for his law firm Sidley Austin LLP as a summer associate (after Barry completed ONE year at Harvard Law). his daughter, Martha L. Minow, the 12th and current dean of Harvard Law School.

Minow is on the board of AON Corp., which is the world's largest insurance broker, with total assets of $26 billion.


Between 1998 and 2001, the Obama and Ayers-led Woods Fund also gave nearly $300,000 to Northwestern University, where Bill Ayers and his wife, Castro-trained Bernardine Dohrn Ayers, had secured teaching jobs. Bill Ayers' father, Tom Ayers, also sat on the Board of Trustees for Northwestern, as did Howard Trienens, who was a partner at the law firm (Sidley Austin) that hired Obama for an internship when he was only a first-year law student in 1988.


The Gamaliel Foundation receives its funding from a number of large foundations, including George Soro's Open Society Institute. Barack Obama worked for the Developing Communities Project during the mid-to-late 1980s and is part of the Gamaliel network. The Foundation's story is less about the money trail and more about the people with whom Obama worked. Gamaliel founder Greg Galluzo mentored Obama in Alinsky tactics, as did another Gamaliel employee, Mike Kruglik, who later helped school Obama campaign workers in Alinsky tactics. Obama later served as a consultant and Alinsky trainer of community organizers for Gamaliel.


Northwestern University professor John L. McKnight sat on the Gamaliel Board.

McKnight, a student of Alinsky tactics, was another of Obama's mentors who later wrote a letter of recommendation for Obama to Harvard Law School.